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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C." National Research Council. 1973. Report by the Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/11096.
Page 132
Suggested Citation:"Appendix C." National Research Council. 1973. Report by the Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/11096.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C." National Research Council. 1973. Report by the Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/11096.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C." National Research Council. 1973. Report by the Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/11096.
Page 135
Suggested Citation:"Appendix C." National Research Council. 1973. Report by the Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/11096.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C." National Research Council. 1973. Report by the Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/11096.
Page 137
Suggested Citation:"Appendix C." National Research Council. 1973. Report by the Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/11096.
Page 138

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A ppend ix C Per sons . Groups . and Compa nie s from whom the Commit tee Ob tained or Sought Informat ion In the course o f i t s s t udy , the Commi t tee on Mo tor Vehic le Emi s s ions obta ined and s ought out in fo rma t ion from a wide range o f s ource s in the United S t a te s and abroad . A s previous ly reported ( in the Commit tee ' s Ja nuary 1 9 7 2 Re por t ) , an ini t i a l invi t a t ion wa s extended to the pub l i c to submit informa t ion and comment s in S e ptember 19 7 1 ( this invi ta tion wa s la ter pub l i s hed by E PA in the Fed era l Regis ter : 36 F . R . 2 309 2 ) . A fo l low-up invi t a t ion wa s sent b y the Commi ttee o n June 28 , 1 9 7 2 , to 3 1 ind ividua l s and environmenta l group s known , on the b a s i s o f the ir par t i c ipa t ion i n E PA hea r ings , t o have a s p e c ia l intere s t in the s ub j e c t . A c opy o f this l e t ter appears below , fo l lowing a l is ting � f those pers ons , group s , and companie s from whom info rma t ion wa s ob ­ :a ined d ur ing 1 9 72 . Aero j et Liquid Ro cke t Company A ir Produc t s and Chemica l s , Inc . (Houdry Divi s ion) A ir Qua l ity and Automob ile Emi s s ions Conference American Cyanamid Company American Lava Corpor a t ion Amer ican Mo tors Corporat ion American O i l Company Amer ican Pe tro leum Ins t i tute Re search S e c t ion A rbe i t s geme ins cha ft Ver s t aerkte Kuns t s to ffe Arizona S t a te Dep ar tment o f Hea l th Arvin Company A t lant i c -Richfie ld Aud i NSU Mo torenwerke Aus t in Too l Company Automob i le Manufacturer s A s so c i a t ion Bend ix Corpora t ion BICERI , Ltd . - 132 - Digitized byGoogle

Br i t i s h Ley land Motors Corpora t ion , Ltd . Br it ish Ra i lway Te chni ca l Center Ca l i fornia A ir Re s ourc e s Bo ard Carter Carbure tor Company C a terp il lar Tra c tor Company CAV , Jo seph Luca s , Ltd . CGE Marcous s i s Laborat ory Champ ion S park Plug Chemis che Werke Hue l s Chrys ler Corpora t ion Ci troen C l ayton Manu fa ctur ing Company Compa gnie Genera l E lectriq ue Como tor Corn ing Gla s s Works Cumm i ns Engine Company , Inc . Cur t i s s -Wright Corporat ion Da imler - Benz A . G . De gus s a De tro i t D ie s e l Deutsch Automob ilge se l l s cha ft Dre s ser Ind us trie s E . I . duPont deNemour s & Company E lectric i ty Re search Center E le c trochemica l S o c ie ty Enge lhard Chemica l a nd Minera l s Corpora t ion E nvironmenta l Pro tect ion A gency E rre n , Rud o lph A . E s s o Re search and Engineering E thy l Corpora t ion Fa chverband Kohle chemie und Pe trochemie Fia t , S . p . A . Ford Mo tor Company Garr e t t A iRe search - 133 - Digitized by Coogle

General E lectric Corpora t ion Genera l Motors Corpora t ion Gould , Inc . Gul f Re search and Deve lopment Company Hamming and Dickins on Ho l ley Carburetor Honda Mo tor Company , Ltd . Humb le Oi l Company Imperia l Chemica l Indus tries Ins t itute fur Kuns t s to f f VerA rbe itung Interna t iona l Harve s ter , Inc . Internat iona l Materials Corpora tion I s uzu Mo tors , Ltd . Japan Catalytic Chemica l Company Jersey-A l s thom Jersey Enterprises Johnson-Ma tthey , Ltd . Ka l i-Chemie Kinerge t ic s , Inc . Kine t i c s Corpor a tion Kraus s -Ma ffe i A . G . Lear Mo tors Linde A . G . M . A . N . (Ma schinenfabr ik Augsburg-Nuernberg , A . G . ) Ma t they -Bi shop Mazda Dea ler ships McCul loch Corporat ion Mercede s Dea lership s MERDC Me s sers chmit t - Boe lkow-Blohm G . m. b . H . Mit sub i shi Mo tors Corpora t ion Mob i l Oil Company Monsanto Company Na t i ona l Pe tro leum Re finers As socia tion - 134 - Digitized byGoogle

New Jersey Department o f Environmenta l Pro tect ion New York C ity Department o f A ir Re source s New York' S tate Department o f Motor Vehicle s Nis s an Motor Company , Ltd . NLPG A s s ociation Noe l Penny T urb ine s Ltd . Northrop Corporat ion Oxy -Ca ta lys t , Inc . Paxve Corpora tion Perkins Engine Company Pe tro -E lectric Mo tors , Ltd . Phi l i p s Corpora t ion Prat t & Whi tney A ircra ft Que s tor Automot ive Product s Company Ragone , Dr . David (AA PS ) Renault , Inc . Revom , Inc . Ricardo & Company Engineers , Ltd . Robert Bo s ch , G . m . b . H . Ro l l s Royce Motors , Ltd . S co tt Re search Labora torie s Technis che Hochs chule Aa chen Technis che For s chungsans t a l t & Entwicklung s s te l le Texaco Re search Laboratories Thermo E lectron Company Thermo -Me chanica l S y s tems Company Toyo Kogyo Company Toyo ta Mo tor Company , Ltd . TRW Sys tems Group Corpora t ion Union O i l o f C a l i fornia U . S . Army Tank-Automo tive Command United S tir l ing A . B . & Company Univer s a l Oil Produ c t s Varta - 135 - Digitized byGoogle

VEBA Chemie Vere in Deut s cher Ingenieure VGW-VER BA ND der Deut s chen Ga s und Wa s s erwerke Volkswa gen Vo lvo , Inc . Wa lker , Pro fe s sor Joe Wanke l Sympo s ium o f S o c iety o f Manu fa c turing Engineers Wi l l iams Re search W . R . Gra c e & Company Zwick Company Text o f Commi ttee Le t ter o f Invita t ion , June 2 8 , 19 7 2 , S eeking Informa t ion from Publ ic and Environmenta l Groups A s provided for in Sect ion 202 ( c ) o f the C lean A ir Amendment s o f 1 9 70 ( PL 9 1 - 604 ) the Na tiona l Academy o f S c ience s i s currently con­ duct ing a s tudy and inve s t iga t ion o f the te chno lo g i ca l fe a s i b i l ity o f meet ing the mo tor veh icle emis s ions s tand ards pre s cribed i n S e c t ion 202 (b ) of the law . Thi s s tudy , wh ich is be ing conducted by our Commi t tee , forms an integra l part o f the pro ce s s by which the Environ­ menta l Pro tect ion Agency (EPA ) Adminis trator rules upon reque s t s for suspens ion o f the a p p l icable e f fe c t ive d a te s . S ince i t commenced i t s work la s t year the a im o f our Commit tee ha s been to secure the wide s t po s s ib le range of informat ion and informed op inion . Whi le we have sought out many s ource s of s uch in format ion , we have a l so encouraged ind ividua l s and organizat ions to submi t wha tever ma teria l or comment they be l ieve is re levant to our inquiry . On S e p ­ tember 2 1 , 19 7 1 , we circula ted to s evera l hund red group s , pub l ic a t ions , and ind ividua l s an invitat ion to s ubmit the ir views to the Commi t tee . This invit a t ion a l s o appeared in the Federa l Re gi s ter . A s the Commi t tee ' s s tudy move s ahea d we wa nt to renew our invi­ t a t ion and extend to you and your organi z a t ion ano ther oppor tunity to provide us in wr i t ing with s uch informa t ion and comment as you may care - 136 - Digitized byGoogle

to make wi th re s p e c t to the s ub j e c t o f our s tudy , name ly , the te chno ­ logic a l fe a s ib i l ity o f mee t ing the s ta tutory emi s s ions s tand ard s on the s che dule contemp la ted by the C lean A ir Amendment s . To be somewha t more speci fic , the Commit tee is now giving the bulk o f i t s a t tent ion to the s tand a r d s for oxid es o f nitroge n , for 1 9 7 6 mode l -year vehi c l e s . O f p a r t i cular concern to the Commi t tee are top ic s such a s the s e : *Wha t mod i fi c a t ions can be made to the conventiona l interna l c ombus t ion engine tha t wou l d insure com­ p l iance wi th the 19 7 6 s tandard s ? Can the requis i te equipment be produced in s u f fi c ient quant i ty and on a re l iable ba s is to s a t i s fy a s sumed demand by 19 76 , taking into a ccount d e s ign and eng ineer ing lea d - t ime ? How much confidence can be p l a ce d in the ab i l ity o f such devices t o me e t the s t and ard , no t only a t the time o f produc t ion , but for the ful l required period o f five years or 5 0 , 000 mi le s ? *With one pr inc ipa l approa ch t o mee t ing the 19 7 6 s tan- dard ca l l ing for use o f reduc t ion cata ly s t s , i t i s important t o eva lua te the confidence tha t c a n b e p laced in the ir durab i l i ty and continued e f fe c tivene s s in a c tua l use . Can you sup p ly any d a t a or �n forma t ion re la t ive to ca t a ly s t durab i l ity wh ile in use on an automob ile , other than tha t which wa s pub l i c ly s ubmit ted to EPA in the May 19 7 2 hearings ? I f c a t a lys t s are unl ike ly to rema in e f fe c­ t ive for the five yea r - 5 0 , 000 mi le period , how o f ten wi l l they have to be rep l a ced and at wha t cos ts , how wi l l the vehicle owner (or opera to r ) know tha t h i s c a t a ly s t has lo s t its e f fec t ivene s s , and how can the pub l i c be a s s ured tha t ine ffe c t ive c a t a l y s t s are promp t ly rep laced or re­ charged ? - 137 - Digitized byGoogle

*The ob j e c t ive o f the C lean A ir Amendments is to permit the product ion o f vehic le s in 1 9 75 and 1976 tha t wi l l me e t the emi s s ions s tand ards for 5 0 , 000 mi l e s o r five ye ars . Given wha t i s known from durab i l ity da ta and o ther in fo rma t ion , i s i t fea s ib le to mee t this goa l wi thou t requir ing s ome program o f period i c ins pection and ma intenance ? Wha t me tho d s ex i s t to de termine whe ther a vehic le in use mee ts the app l i cab le emis s ions s tandard s ? If a vehic le is found to be emi tt ing in exce s s o f the a l lowab le l imit s , is it pra c t i ca l to ident i fy with sufficient pre c i s ion the cause so as t o avo id need le s s and perha p s co s t ly ma intenance ? *A s ide from the convent iona l s park- ignit ion interna l combus tion engine , wha t o ther power p lant s could be produced in suffic ient quant ity by 19 76 ( or 19 77 ) tha t would s a ti s fy the 1 9 76 s tandard s ? What is known o f the ir cos t s , opera t ing e f ficiency , and o ther character­ is tics ? This l i s t ing o f topics which are o f concern to the Commi ttee i s by no me ans exhaus t ive . There are many o ther i s sues of impor tance and the Commit tee is guided so le ly by a d e s ire to mob i l ize a s much informa t ion and op inion as it can as it relates to the ma t ter o f techno logica l fea s ib i l ity o f s a t i s fying the mo tor vehi c le s t and ard s a s pre s cr ibed in the 19 70 amendment s . Cons is tent w i th th is ob j e c t ive we invite you to s ubmi t such informa t ion or to o f fer such comments a s you cons ider per t inent t o the subj e c t o f our inquiry . To be o f use to the Commit tee your submis s ion shou ld be in wr i t ing and be received no t la ter than Augus t 4 , 19 72 . A l l s uch materia l s s hould be sent to : Commit tee on Mo tor Veh i c le Emi s s ions Nationa l Academy o f S c ience s 2 10 1 Cons t itut ion Avenue , N . W . Wa s hington , D . C . 204 1 8 A t tent ion : Pub l ic S ubmis s ions - 138 - Digitized byGoogle

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