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Report by the Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions (1973)


Suggested Citation:"THE STANDARDS, CERTIFICATION AND TESTING." National Research Council. 1973. Report by the Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/11096.
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Suggested Citation:"THE STANDARDS, CERTIFICATION AND TESTING." National Research Council. 1973. Report by the Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/11096.
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Suggested Citation:"THE STANDARDS, CERTIFICATION AND TESTING." National Research Council. 1973. Report by the Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/11096.
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Suggested Citation:"THE STANDARDS, CERTIFICATION AND TESTING." National Research Council. 1973. Report by the Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/11096.
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Suggested Citation:"THE STANDARDS, CERTIFICATION AND TESTING." National Research Council. 1973. Report by the Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/11096.
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Suggested Citation:"THE STANDARDS, CERTIFICATION AND TESTING." National Research Council. 1973. Report by the Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/11096.
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Suggested Citation:"THE STANDARDS, CERTIFICATION AND TESTING." National Research Council. 1973. Report by the Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/11096.
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2. THE STANDARDS, CERT IF ICAT ION AND TEST ING 2. 1 Numerical Values o f S tandards Sec t ion 202 of the C l ean Air Amendments of 1 9 70 requires the Adminis tra tor of the EPA to prescribe emi s s ion s tandards for ligh t - duty mo tor veh icles toge ther with meas urement techniques on wh ich such s tan­ dards are to be based . * Such s tandards require tha t the emi s s ions o f carbon monox ide and unburned hydroc arbons from l igh t-duty veh ic le s and engine s manu fac tured dur ing or af ter mode l year 1975 be reduced by at lea s t 90 pe�cent from the se required o f 1 97 0 vehicles: als o , emiss ions of ox ide s of nitrogen from l igh t-duty mo tor veh i c l e s and eng ine s manu­ fac tured dur ing or af ter mode l year 1 976 are to be at leas t 90 percent be low the average of those actua l ly measured from l ight-duty vehicles manufac tured during mode l year 1 9 7 1 wh ich ar e no t sub j e c t to any fed ­ eral or s tate emis s ion s tandards. The 1 9 7 5 mode l year s tandards are : 0. 4 1 grams per veh ic le mi le for hydrocarbons (HC ) 3 . 4 grams per vehic le mile for carb on monox ide (CO) and 3 . 1 grams per veh icle mi le for ox ide s o f nitrogen (NO ) . X S tandards for 1 976 mode l year veh icles are : 0. 41 grams per vehicle mile for hydrocarbons 3. 4 grams per veh ic le mile for carbon monox ide and 0. 4 grams per veh ic le mile for ox ides of nitrogen . The C lean Air Amendments call for vehicle comp l iance with the above s tandards for f ive years or 5 0, 000 miles, whichever occurs f ir s t . 2. 2 Procedure s for C er t i f icat ion , CVS -CH Te s t The numerical values o f the s tandards mus t b e def ined in terms of a spec ific me thod of measurement and a s pec i f ic dr iving cyc l e . The EPA Adminis tra tor is required by Se c t ion 206 to te s t any mo tor veh ic le * The Federal Reg is ter o f November 1 5, 1972, c ontains a c omp l e te descrip- t ion of the regulat ions concerning the s tandards, tes t procedure s , al lowab le ma intenance , e tc . - 15 - Digitized byGoogle

or c la s s o f motor vehicles to de termine whe ther they meet the s tandard s s e t forth in S e c t ion 202 ( b ) o f the C lean A ir Amendment s . A cer t i ficate of con form i ty is to be is sued for c l a s s e s of mo tor vehicles that comp ly with the s tand ard s , thus permit t ing the manu fa cture and s a le o f the s e c las s e s o f vehic l e s . The emis s ions tes t t o be used for cer t i ficat ion o f 1975 and 1 9 7 6 vehicle s , re ferred t o a s the CVS - CH te s t , cons is t s o f a 0 0 1 2-hour wa it a t a tempera ture between 60 and 86 F , a cold -engine s tartup , a cont inuous sequence o f d i f ferent dr iving mode s s imulating an average trip over a 2 3-minute route in an urban area , a ten-minute shutdown fo l lowed by a ho t -eng ine res tart , and a repe a t o f the fir s t 5 05 seconds o f the 23 -minute cyc le . This t e s t is per formed wi th the vehicle on a chas s i s dynamometer . Exhaus t - g a s s amp l ing begins immediat e ly a fter the key is turned on (whether the eng ine s tar t s or no t ) . D i luted exhau s t emis s ions are col lec ted dur ing the fir s t 5 05 second s in one bag , those during the rema inder o f the 23-minute cycle in a second bag , and tho s e from the ho t-re s tart phas e in a third bag . Contents o f the three bags are then ana lyzed and we ighted in a ccordance with the E PA tes t procedure to ge t the fina l ma s s emi s s ions , in grams per mile , o f HC, CO, and NOx• To ob ta in a cert i ficate o f con formity for a c l a s s o f vehicle s , the automob i l e manufacturer mu s t also d emons trate the e f fec t ivene s s o f the vehic l e s' emis s ion- control sys tem over t he "usefu l l i fe" o f a vehicle . The regulat ions re qu ire a manu fa cturer to tes t two separate flee t s of pro totype vehicle s repre s enting mode l s to be sold to the pub l ic . The " emi s s ion data" flee t is intended to de term ine the emi s s ions of re l a t ive ly new vehic le s . The vehicles in this fleet are dr iven 4 , 000 miles to break in the engine and stabil ize emi s s ions . The emi s s ions are then me a s ured , us ing the CVS -CH te s t procedure . A l lowab le ma intenance on emis s ion-data vehicles is l imited to the a d j us tment o f engine idle s peed at t he 4 , 000-mile te s t p o int . The second flee t , the "durabil ity-data " flee t , i s de s i gned to de term ine the capab i l i ty of the emis s ion-control sys tem to kee p emi s s ions - 16 ·- Digitized byGoogle

below the s tandards over the expec ted useful l i fe o f the veh ic l e . The veh icles in this f l ee t are dr iven for 5 0 , 000 mi les and tes ted for emi s s ions every 4 , 000 mi le s . The procedure for mi leage accumu l a t ion is the Durab i l i ty Driving S chedule over a modified AMA rou te . The max imum s peed is 70 mph, and the average is 30 mph . One maj or engine tuneup to manufac turer' s s pec if icat ions may be performed on durab i l i ty vehicles at 24 , 000 mi les ( on veh icles with 150-C ID or l e s s , at 1 2 , 000 , 24 , 000 , and 36 , 000 mi les ) . The rep l acements and ad j us tment s allowed are detai l ed in the regulations. Emi s s ions tes t s mu s t be run before and af ter any veh icle ma intenance that may be reas onab ly expec ted to affect emis s ions . As the f irs t s tep in determining comp l ianc e of a new l ight- duty vehic le, emi s s ion- de ter ioration fac tor s are determined from the durab i l i ty- data fleet emi s s ion tes t res ul ts . Separate fac tor s are determined for HC , CO , and NO and for each eng ine/ contro l- sys tem X comb inat ion. A s traight l ine is f i t ted , by the me thod of leas t squares , to each o f the p lo t s of emi s s ions ver sus mi leage for the endurance fleet . For each of the three p o l lutant s , deter iorat ion factors are determined from the s e curves as the ratio of emiss ions at 50 , 000 mi les to tho s e at 4 , 000 mile s . The emi s s ion tes t resul t s , at 4 , 000 mile s , for each emis s ion- data f leet veh i c l e are then mul t i p l ied by the appropriate de teriorat ion factor to give ad j us ted emi s s ions for each vehicle. The s e ad j u s ted emis s ions are then compared to the s tandard s . Every tes t veh ic le from an eng ine fami ly mus t comp ly with the s tandard s before any veh icle in tha t fami ly can be certif ied. 2. 3 Produc t ion-Line Tes t ing To ascer tain whe ther vehic l e s are be ing manufactured in accor ­ dance with the regulat ions with re s p e c t to wh ich a cer t ificate o f conformity was i s s ued , Se c t ion 206 ( b ) author izes E PA t o tes t new veh icles and engines . S uch tes ts can be conduc ted by EPA or by the manufac turer in accordance with condit ions specified by E PA. Accord ing to S ec t ion 206 ( b ) (2 ) (A) , if : - 17 - Digitized byGoogle

"ba sed on te s t s • on a s amp le o f new vehicles • • or eng ine s covered by a cer t i ficate of conform ity , the Adminis tra tor de termines tha t a l l or par t o f the vehicles or engine s so covered d o no t conform with the regulat ions with respect to which the cer t i ficate o f conformity wa s i s s ued , he may sus ­ pend or revoke such cer t i fi c a te in whole or in part " The A c t s e t s for th a pro cedure for r e i s s uance o f the cer t i fi cate and for hearings on its sus pens ion or revocation. It is impra c t ical to de termine the emi s s ions from a large frac tion of production vehicles by the CVS -CH procedure. Each t e s t invo lves a twelve-hour wa it a t room tempera ture fo l lowed by a 4 1 - minute tes t , wi th expens ive and comp lex ins trumenta t ion required . In add it ion , mea s urements o f exhaus t emi s s ions show poor repea tab i l i ty. D a ta from the automobile manufac turers and s everal independent labora­ tor ie s taken on 1 9 72 mo d e l year vehicles us ing the 19 75 Federa l CV S -CH tes t s how coe ffic ient s o f variat ion o f 10 to 20 percent . When the CVS - CH te s t is a p p l ied to 1 9 75 - 7 6 pro totype vehicle s , the probab le percentage error increa ses , s ince emis s ion leve l s have d ecreas ed from 1 9 72. Only l imited data were availab le o f te s t reproduc ib i l i ty us ing the CVS -CH te s t with dua l - catalys t-equ ipped vehicles near the 1 9 7 6 emis s ion leve l s. Coe f f ic ients o f var iat ion for the s e l imited data , cons i s t ing o f 16 repe t i t ive t e s t s on a vehicle , were as grea t a s 5 0 percent for CO . Tes t o n three -valve carbure ted s tra t i fied - charge engines , which mee t 1975 s tand ard s , have yie lded much lower coe f ficient s o f var i a t ion. S ome o f the rea sons for the lack of repeatab i l ity o f measure ­ ments are the d i f f icul ty o f fo l lowing the s peed - t ime curve s p e c i f ied in the CVS -CH procedure , lack o f repea tabil ity of some of the engine funct ions having an e ffec t on emis s ion contro l ( su ch as the choke t ime ) , and the fa c t t hat the 1975 -7 6 pollutant leve ls g ive such low concentra t ions in the samp le bags that the resolution capabil ities o f the ins truments are approached. The var ia t ion o f tes t resul ts during - 18 - Digitized byGoogle

the cold por t ion o f the t e s t i s the large s t part o f total t e s t varia­ t ion , with a large percentage o f C O and HC emi s s ions occurring dur ing the fir s t two minute s o f the CVS -CH te s t . An ind ividua l measurement us ing the CVS -CH tes t on a 1 9 75 -7 6 car can vary from the true value by 5 0 percent and thus l i t t le s igni ficance should be a t tached to a s ingle tes t . S ince a ho t - s tart tes t does not inc lude the emis s ions that domina te the resu l t s ob tained with the CVS -CH tes t , no shor t hot­ s tart tes t will pas s and fa i l exa c t ly the s ame vehicles a s the CVS -CH te s t . It thus is evident that 100 percent produc t ion- l ine tes t ing with any procedure excep t CVS -CH te s t ( impra c t ical on product ion line ) cannot determ ine i f a l l vehicles are being manu factured in accordance wi th the regula tions wi th res p e c t to which a cer t i f icate o f conformity wa s is s ued . In term s o f overa l l a ir qual i ty , i t i s the average emis s ions from a group o f cars tha t determ ines the automo t ive contr ibut ion to a ir pol lut ion . This fa c t and the var iab i l ity o f tes t resul t s men­ t ioned above shows a need for regu l a t ions that c ontro l the manu fac ture and operat ion o f vehicles to ensure that the emi s s ions on the average meet the s tandards . It is only neces s ary to tes t a qua l i ty aud i t s amp le o f produc t ion- l ine vehicles to d emons trate that the average emis s ions o f produc t ion vehicles compare s a t i s factor ily with the cer t i fica t ion s tandard , taking into a ccount a pres cribed use ful l i fe de teriora t ion fac tor and a to lerance fac tor re flec ting the d i f ference be tween production vehicles and pre-production pro totype s . The logical tes t t o choo se for this qua l ity audit is the CVS - CH procedure . The Committee recommends , as in the CMVE January 1 , 19 72 repor t , that only the emis s i ons o f the average o f each eng ine -vehic le combina­ t ion on the produc t ion l ine be requ ired to mee t the s tandards . A requ irement that a l l vehicles me e t the emis s ion s tandards is too res trict ive and is unnecessary to meet air qua l i t y need s. - 19 - Digitized byGoogle

2. 4 Compl iance af ter Sale , Warranty The recommendation covering produc t ion- l ine averag ing has an impac t on the warranty provis ions o f the law , contained in Sec t ions 207 ( a ) and (b) of the C lean A ir Amendment s. Sec t ion 207 (a) requires that the manufac turer o f each new mo tor veh ic le and eng ine shall warrant to the purchaser that it is ( 1 ) des igned, buil t, and equipped so as to conform at the t ime of sale with ( the app l icable s tandards ) , and ( 2 ) free from defec ts in ma ter ial s and workmanship which cause s uch veh ic le or eng ine to fail to conform with ( the s tandard s ) for its " u s eful l i fe . " Sec tion 207 ( b ) dea l s wi th warranties for veh i c l e s throughout their useful l ife. This s ec t ion s tates tha t manufac turers could u l t imately be requ ired to warran t comp l iance o f the emiss ion contro l sys tem of a vehic le throughout its useful l ife if it is maintained and operated in ac cordance with the manufac turer's ins truc tions and i f the nonconformi ty resu l ts in the car owner "having to bear any penal ty or o ther sanc t ion • under S tate or Federal law. " Before such a u s e fu l - l ife warran ty can be imposed however, the Adminis trator mus t f ir s t determine tha t there are availab le te s t ing me thods and procedures to as cer tain whe ther a veh ic le, when in ac tual use , comp l ies w i th the emi ss ion s tandards and tha t s uch methods and procedure s are reasonab ly capable of be ing c orrelated wi th tes t s conduc ted by E PA prepara tory to i s s uance o f a cer t i f icate o f conformity (meaning the ful l CVS -CH procedure ) . The s e warranty provis ions apply t o each veh ic l e. However, if it is conc luded tha t th ere is no shor t tes t or procedure that reas onab ly correl ates with the CVS -CH tes t , the prob lem of pos s ib l e conf l ic t in imp lement ing the warranty requirement is e l imina ted. Af ter cons iderat ion of th is po int, the C ommi t tee conc l udes tha t no short te s t is availab le now , or l ike ly to be availab le in the near future , that will pass and fail the same veh ic les as the f u l l CVS - CH te s t. - 20 - Digitized byGoogle

S ec t ion 2 07 ( c ) o f the C lean Air Ac t deal s speci fical ly with rec a l l of vehi c les which , although proper ly maintained , do not conform with the s tand ard s . Accord ing to Sect ion 2 07 (c ) ( l) , " I f the Admini s trator determines that a s ubs tant ial number of any c la s s or category o f vehic les or engines , although properly maint ained and u s ed , do no t conform t o the regulat i ons pres c ribed und er S ec ti on 2 02, when in ac tual use throughout their u s e fu l l i fe (as d etermined under S e c t i on 202 (d)) , he shal l imme­ diately no t i fy the manufac turer thereof o f s uch nonc onformity , and he sha l l requi re the manufac turer to submit a p lan for remedying the non­ con formi ty o f the vehic les or engines wi th res pec t to wh i ch s uch not i f i ­ cation i s given . " S ince the purpose o f the C l ean Air Amendment s i s t o c ontro l the automo tive contribut ion to air po l l u t ion , the C ommi t tee b e l i eves that a survei l lanc e aud i t of a s tatis tical s amp le of vehic les is ad equate to determine if each family o f cars meets the s tandard s. The ful l CVS ­ CH t e s t would be run for the s urvei l lanc e aud i t . S uch s urvei l lance t e s t s could be u s ed no t only t o de termine emi s s ions from each c ar fami ly , but also to evaluate deteriorat ion o f emi s s ion control sy s t ems in actual use , to eval uate the e f fectivenes s o f prescribed maint enance procedures , to devel op informat ion on failure modes , and t o es t ab l i s h the need for re­ cal l o f a c l a s s of vehi c l es . -2 1 - Digitized byGoogle

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