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Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.


(Page numbers in bold refer to figures. Tables are indicated by a "t" with the page number.)


Absorption-emission plans, 162

Acid rain, reduction of, 66

Acquisitions, 30

Ad valorem property-tax policy, 102

Advance monetary outlays, 110

Afforestation, 27

Agrarian property-tax system, 101-102

Agricultural Conservation Program (ACP), 45, 51, 70, 199

funding by region, 189t

Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, 124

Agricultural Worker Protection Standard (WPS), 201

Agriculture, Secretary of, 86

Air pollutants, 4, 44, 57, 65-67

Air quality, 20, 38, 64, 65-67

Alabama, timberland in Metropolitan Statistical Areas, 38


forestland ownership by state government, 113

forest practices regulatory law, 49

Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, 148

Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, 30-31, 148

Alien insects, 69

Alien plants, 57, 69-70

American Forest and Paper Association (AF&PA), 17, 32-34, 93, 113

research needs ranked, 135

American Land Conservancy, 94

American Pulpwood Association, 92

Apalachicola National Forest, 36

Artificial regeneration practices, 47

Assessment and monitoring systems, 137-138

Association of Consulting Foresters, 94

Atlantic Coastal Plan, bee rights leased, 36

Australian pine, 70


Basin geomorphology, 71

Basket weaving, by Native Americans, 37

Bee rights, 36

Best Management Practices (BMPs), 70, 102

Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.

Big-game hunting, 39

Biodiversity, 20, 46, 57-59, 93, 156

definitions of, 59

global, 158

loss of, 57, 58

maintenance of, 75

rare and endangered species habitat, 60-61

Biodiversity trust funds, 107

Biomass accumulation, 62

Bonds, 127, 128

general obligation, 9

Bring Back the Natives Program, 43

Brown-headed cowbirds, 60

Buffer zones, along sensitive waterways, 47

Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), 78, 81, 148

programs administered by, 43

Bureau of Land Management (BLM), 34, 42, 78, 81

programs administered by, 43

Bureau of Reclamation, 42, 81

programs administered by, 43, 70

Bureau of the Census, employment of persons (1992) by U.S. wood-based industries, 32, 33, 183t



forest practices regulatory law, 49, 50, 51

freshwater ecosystems, 60

programs involving state- or county-owned forestlands, 115

reforestation regulations, 122

urban forest disinvestment and volunteer organizations, 116

urban-interface wildfires, 65

Capital gains tax, 100, 126


storage, ecological services in nonfederal forests, 2

stored in nonfederal forests, 40

and woody debris reduction, 64

Carbon dioxide emissions, 67, 161

Carbon monoxide emissions, 66

Carbon sequestration, 67-68, 161

Certification standards, 96

Certified forest practices, 95-96

Cheatgrass, 70

Chesapeake Bay Program, 43, 44

Chestnut blight, 69

Citizen participation, promoted in determining care and management of forest resources, 19

Clarke-McNary Act (1924), 2, 141-142

Clean Air Act (1977, 1990), 80, 83, 142, 200-201

Clean Air Act Programs, 44

Clean Water Act, 20, 46, 83, 142, 200

Clean Water Act Programs (nonpoint pollutant sources), 44

Climatic change, global, 4, 11, 75, 160-161, 163

potentially serious effects on national forests, 57, 58, 156, 157

Closed-canopy forests, 67

Club Fed, Mid-Pacific region, 43

Coastal Ecosystem Program, 43

Coastal Zone Management Act, 46, 200

Coastal Zone Management Program (CZM), 43

Cogon grass, 70

Cold water fishing, 39

Colorado, urban-interface wildfires, 65

Colorado Ecosystem Partnership, 43

Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Program, 199

Committee recommendations, nonfederal forests

coordination and strengthening of incentive, technical-assistance, and regulatory programs, 7-8

diverse ownership considerations, 10

fedral-nonfederal linkages, 6-7

federal programs and organizations, 6

global context, 10-11

information needs for decisions, improvement and access enhancement , 9-10

investments in sustainability, 8-9

long-term forest health and integrity, 4

Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.

national goals and policy, 5

prevention of deteriorating and serious conditions, 71

policies, planning, and organizing, 4-5

strategic planning processes, 5-6

Community forestlands, 1, 28, 3

landowner investment circumstances, 116-117

Composites, substituted for solid-wood products, 62

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensations, and Liability (1980), 201

Congressional Research Service (CRS) Review, 77

Congressional Research Service Symposia (March 1994), 78

Connecticut, forest practices regulatory law, 49, 51

Connecticut Forest Practices Act, 51

Conservancies, 94, 106

Conservation, 18

Conservation easements, 106

Conservation Fund, 94

Conservation rental contracts, 106-107

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), 43, 45, 63, 70, 198

decline of, 123

landowner income earned by participation in, 106-107

plantation in highly erodable cropland, 117

plantation on private forestland, 120

Controlled-spacing activities, investment issue, 119, 120

Cooperative and Federal Forest Health Management Program, budget history, 188t

Cooperative Fire Program, 43, 81

Cooperative Lands Fire Management programs, 44-45, 188t

Cooperative Lands Fire Protection program, 196-197

Cooperative Lands Forest Health Management Program, 44-45, 196

Cooperatives, 126

Cooperative Work Trusts, 44

Corporate ''fiber farms,'' 92

Cost-share programs, 45, 70, 110, 117, 198-200

agricultural, 98-99

forestry practices, 47

more effective than public technical assistance, 51, 52, 126

nonindustrial forest owners, 122-123

nonindustrial forests, 120

phased out, 85

public investments, 124, 131

reforestation, 52

County and municipal governments

forestland area ownership by region, 31, 179t

timberland area ownership, 172t-173t

County forests, landowner investment circumstances, 113-114, 115-116

Credit rationing, 122

Critical Ecosystem Research and Assessment (CERA) Program, 44

Critically endangered species, habitat losses, 61

Custer State Park, 115

Cutting cycles, shortening of, 62

CWA/Wetlands Delineation and Regulatory Program, Section 404, 43


Department of Agriculture. See U.S. Department of Agriculture

Department of Commerce, 88

Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, programs administered by, 43

Department of Defense, 34

Department of Labor, 88

Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration, timber industry workplace safety program, 44

Department of the Army, 88

Department of the Interior (DOI), 81, 88

Land and Water Conservation Fund, 44, 81

Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.

Department of the Treasury, 88

Internal Revenue Service, programs administered that benefit nonfederal forests, 44

Development rights, 106

Diseases, 4, 47, 57, 58, 124

biological risk for private investments, 121

epidemic levels, 68-69

Domestic use and farm, acreage and number of forest land units owned for, 183t

Dutch Elm Disease, 38, 69


Easements, 105-107

Ecolabeling, 208-209

Ecological benefits, 40-41

Ecological services, nonfederal forests providing, 2

Ecology, 93

Economic Action Programs, 188t, 197

Economic policies and programs, integration promoted by federal government , 3

Ecosystem coordination councils, 86

Ecosystem management, definitions of, 62, 208

Ecosystems, forest, 45

biodiversity, 57-59

cooperation among multiple owners, 5

fragmentation of, 99, 100

increased management intensity, 63

management of, 78

multiple forest uses encouraged, 19

productivity maintained, 19

promotion of long-term health and integrity, 3

state forestry program effectiveness, 52, 195t

state regulatory programs, 49

sustainability critical, 4

sustainability to include maintenance, 19

Educational and technical assistance programs, 21, 48

Educational programs, 2, 52, 108, 192t-193t, 202

effectiveness, state programs, 195t

federal agency responsibility, 8

Education and information programs, 96-97

Emission trading, 162

Employment, 32-34

dependent on nonfederal forestland, 1-2

forest-related, sources of, 34

in wood-based industries in U.S., 32, 33, 34, 183t

Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community Program, 88

Endangered species, 20, 40, 46, 48

educational programs, 52

forest types most endangered, 61

habitat in nonfederal forests, 2

habitat losses, 61

habitat of, 60-61

multi-agency responsibilities, 6

protection through conservation rental contracts, 106

safe harbor agreements, 107

Endangered Species Act (ESA), 43, 80, 103, 201

application to tribal forests, 148, 149

habitat protections, 152, 153

Endangered Species Protection Program, 43

Energy, conservation of, 38

Engineered wood, 62

Enjoyment of owning, acreage and forestland units owned for, 183t

Environmental agreements, 11, 158, 163

Environmental concerns, 161

Environmental Conservation Acreage Reserve Program (ECARP), 46

Environmental laws, 144

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment program (EMAP), 44

Environmental policies and programs, integration promoted by federal government, 3

Environmental Protection Agency, 42, 70, 77, 81, 88

application in tribal forests, 148

Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.

authorized by Clean Air Act, 200, 201

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program, 137

forestry and environmental education responsibility, 96

merge with environmental regulatory programs proposed, 80

ozone air quality standards, 66

programs administered by, 44

Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), 45, 199

Estate taxes, 99-100, 106

European gypsy moth, 69

Everglades Restoration Program, 43


"Family-forests" programs, 92

Farm and Agriculture Act, 80

Farm area, acreage and forestland units owned for, 183t

Farmer, timberland area in U.S., 29, 172t

Farm tenancies, termination advance notice, 143

Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), 77

Federal forests, concentration (location) in U.S., 25

Federal government

agreement on national direction for nonfederal forests, 75-76

allocations of assistance to states, 83

as catalyst for innovation and source of investment for sustainability , 21

fabricating leadership capabilities and investment opportunities, 19

forestry practices promoted on nonfederal lands, 2

improving federal organization, 79-82

initiatives, governmental, 90-91

investment opportunities, 2

involvement in urban-interface wildfires, 65

linkages with nonfederal entities, 82-88

organization within, 76-82

regional offices interfacing with states, 7

role in sustainability, 20-21

summary of findings and recommendations, 88-89

tree planting and seeding by region, 28-29, 176t-177t

Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), 44, 46, 142, 201

Federal investments, nonfederal forests, 123, 188t, 189t, 190t, 191t

Federal-land banks, 88

Federal Land Management: Streamlining and Reorganization Issues, 79

Federal Land Policy and Management Act (1976), 73, 80

Federal lands, diverted from forestland acreage, 27, 174t

Federal Lands Forest Health Management Program, 44-45, 196

Federally directed programs, 42-46

assistance and incentive programs, 44, 196-204

cooperative forestry programs, 45

extension and outreach, 45-46

federal regulatory programs, 46

Forest Health Management, 44-45

transfer programs, 45

Federal national forest programs, 6

Federal programs

coordination and simplification, 3

funding by region, 189t

monitoring nonfederal forest health, 4

nonfederal forests, 2

organizational links, 7

tax subsidies, 102

technical assistance, fiscal incentive, and tax programs, 8

wildfire suppression and fuel management assistance, 4

Federal regulatory initiatives, 103-104

to ensure program efficiency and effectiveness, 103-104

Federal regulatory programs, 8, 200-202

Federal State Cooperative Program (water information), 44

Federal tax subsidies, 102

Federal timberland, definition, 27

Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.

Federal Water Pollution Control Act (1972), 80

Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy and Program Review, 65

Fee-simple ownership, 112, 113

Financial incentives, 20, 47

Financial institution organizations, investments in forest management , 88

Fire-dependent forests, 64

Fire management, 46, 191t

Fire management activities, funding for, 2

Fire-protection priorities, 65

"First-refusal" rights, 93

Fiscal incentives, 98-99, 108

effectiveness, state programs, 195t

programs, 192t-193t, 203

Fishing rights, 39, 148

Flathead Common Ground Project, 85

Flatwoods, bee rights leased, 36

Floral greenery, 37


forestry practice regulatory system, 49

statewide wildlife conservation plan, 59

timberland in Metropolitan Statistical Areas, 38

urban-interface wildfires, 65

Food products, 36

Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 (RPA) , 5, 73, 74, 137

RPA Assessment, 74

RPA Program, 5, 74-75

Forest certification, 208-209

Forest Cutting Practices Act (Mass.), 49

Forest development centers, 85-86

Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team (FEMAT), 43

Forest fires, 64-65

Forest health, definition, 205-207

Forest Health Management, 44-45

Forest Health Protection Program, 43, 81

Forest industry

acreage of forestland owned, 1

privately owned timberland, 29, 170t, 172t

Forest-industry initiatives, 91-93

Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program, 21, 137, 138, 140

Forest investments, 109-110

Forestland, definition, 26

Forestland area

by region and ownership, 179t

investment issue, 117-118, 170t

Forest-landowner associations, 87, 145-146

Forest Legacy Program, 43, 81, 106, 188t, 197

Forest management intensity, 61-64

Forest management plans, written, 18, 30, 93, 97, 121-122

private forestland area and ownership units, 182t

Forest products, prices increased, 109-110

Forest-products conservation, 91

Forest Research Program, 43

Forest Resources Council, 87

Forest Resources Partnership, 87

Forest resource sustainability

national principles developed, 3

principles of, 18

Forest Resource Trust (Oregon), 127, 130

Forestry Assistance Program, budget history, 188t

Forestry-consultant initiatives, 94

Forestry cooperatives, 86

Forestry Incentives Program, 45, 51, 52, 124, 199

funding by region, 189t

Forestry organizations, institutional and managerial capacity built within, 2-3

Forestry practices, professionally guided, 7

Forestry Research: A Mandate for Change, 134

Forests, as emission absorbers, 162

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), 18, 95, 113, 209

Forest Stewardship Program (FSP), 43, 81, 99, 188t, 197

Fragmentation of ecosystems, 99, 100

estate taxes and, 100

Fragmentation of forest ownership, 69

Fragmentation of forests, 4, 27, 59-60

Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.

Fuel-management approaches, 65

Fuel-management technologies, federal assistance to states, 4

Fusiform rust incidence, 69


GAO Review, 79

GAP Analysis Program, 44

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 158, 159-160

General obligation bonding, 127, 128

Genetically improved tree seedlings or cuttings, 63

Geographic Information System (GIS), 38, 44


forestry practice regulatory system, 49

timberland in Metropolitan Statistical Areas, 38

Global pollutants, mitigation by forests, 11

Gorse, 70

Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 44

Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL), 43

Great Lakes Initiative, 43

Great Lakes National Program, 44

Great Lakes region, state-owned forests, 113-114

Great Plains Conservation Program, 199

Great Plains Project, 44

Great Plains region, state government programs, 48, 49, 192t-193t

Green certification, 208-209

Grizzly bears, 85, 162

Ground water development, 40


Habitat, 71

isolation, 59-60

loss, 61

Habitat Conservation Plan for northern spotted owl, 59

Habitat conversion, 27

Habitat coordination councils, 86

Haole koa, 70

Hardwood, percentage of nonindustrial growing stock, 35-36

Hardwood inventories, 118, 119, 186t

by ownership, 35-36, 186t

Hatch Act, 43

Heat islands, 66

High-vigor trees, 69

Honey production, 36

Hunting rights, 39

Hydrocarbon emissions, 67

Hydrologic patterns, 71


Idaho, forest practices regulatory law, 49

Incentive programs

carbon storage on nonindustrial private forestlands, 68

financial, 20, 47

Income, 32-34

Income taxes, benefits from easements, 106

Increased management intensity, 63

Indian Forest Management Assessment Team, 114

Indigenous property systems, 147

Individual Restricted Fee, 29

Individual Trust, 29

Industrial forestland, 10

net annual growth of softwoods and hardwoods, 36, 187t

plantation, 119, 176t

Industrial owners, landowner investment circumstances, 112-113

Industrial timberlands, investment issue, 118-119, 186t

Information and technology transfer, 136-137

Information management, 138-139

Information Management Program, 43

Infrastructure investments, 125, 131

Insectivores, specialist, and woody debris reduction, 63-64

Insects, 4, 20, 47, 57-58, 68-69

biological risk for private investments, 121

Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.

state investment of protection in private forestlands, 124

Institutional investors, 30, 183t

Instream use of water, 40

Interagency Ecosystem Management Task Force, 77-78

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 160-161

Interim Strategies for Managing Anadromous Fish-Producing Watersheds (PACFISH) in the Pacific Northwest, 43, 78

Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project, 85

International accords, 158-160, 163

International Tropical Timber Agreement (ITTA), 158

International Tropical Timber Organization's Target 2000 program, 160

Intertribal Timber Council

acreage of timberland, 29

economic benefits from tribal forests estimated, 34

Investment environments, 110-117

investment climate, 110

landowner investment circumstances, 111-117

Investment issues, strategies, remedies for disadvantages, 126-127, 131


eliminating discouraging tax policies and programs, 8

encouraged in sustaining nonfederal forests, 4

federal, fiscal and technical assistance programs, 9

for nonfederal forests, 3

in nonfederal forests, privately-initiated programs promoted, 8

in research, 9-10

insufficient, 15-16

long-term, 3

long-term, in nonfederal forests promoted, 19-20

percentage for nonfederal forests in federal budget, 8

private, in nonfederal forests, 8, 9

public, in nonfederal forests, 8

revenue sources for nonfederal forests, 9

Ivy, 70


Knapweeds, 70

Kudzu, 70


Lake states region, state government programs, 48, 192t-193t

Laminated root rot, 69

Land Acquisition Priority System (critical areas acquisition program) , 43

Land and Water Conservation Fund, 44, 81

Land conversion, 4

Land Conversion Subcommittee of the Northern forestlands Council, 100

Land investment, acreage and number of forestland units owned for, 30, 183t

Landowner-assistance programs (LAPs), 93

Landowner rights and responsibilities, 144

Landowners' reasons for owning forestland, 111

Land rent, required sharing of, 145

Landscape coordination councils, 86

Land trusts, 106

Land use, changes in U.S., 27, 174t

Lease arrangements for timber productions, 126

Local governments, managed lands for recreational opportunities, 39

Local-level programs, regulatory programs, 50-51, 203-204

Louisiana, landowner-assistance programs, 93

Louisiana Sea Grant Program, 43


McIntire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry Research Program, 43

Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.

Maine, forest practices regulatory law, 49, 51

Mammoth Cave, 44

"Managed" condition of forests, 157

Management, conservation and sustainable development of world's forests, 159

Management cost deductions, 100-101

Management intensity, effects of, 57

Maple syrup production, 36, 37

Maryland, forestry practice regulatory system, 49

Massachusetts, forest practices regulatory law, 49

"Master woodland manager" programs, 95

Melaleuca, 70

Metropolitan Statistical Areas, timberland located in, 38


improved management of state-forest system, 114

long-term bonding program, 127, 128

programs involving state- or county-owned forestlands, 115

urban-interface wildfires, 65

Mid-Atlantic Highlands Assessment Program, 44

Mid-Atlantic region, state government programs, 48, 192t-193t

Mid-Continent region, state government programs, 48, 49, 192t-193t

Migratory wildlife habitat, 162


professional level raised of resource managers of state-owned forests , 113-114

programs involving state- or county-owned forestlands, 115

public/private landowner partnerships, 87

Missouri, programs involving state- or county-owned forestlands, 115

Monitoring and information management, 137-139


forestry practice regulatory system, 49

programs involving state- or county-owned forestlands, 115

Montana Bitteroot Regional Agreement, 85

Multiple stakeholder decision-making processes, encouraged by federal government, 3

Municipal investments, 124

Mushrooms, harvesting of, 36


National Association of State Foresters, 97

employees in state forestry agencies estimated, 34

National Audubon Society, 93-94

National Biological Survey Gap Analysis Program, 137

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA, 1969), 80, 148

National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS), 43

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, 94

National Forest, RPA Program, 5

National Forest Health Monitoring Program (NFHMP), 137, 207

National Forest Management Act (NFMA, 1976), 73, 74, 75, 80

National forests, use and management of, 2

National Historic Preservation Act, 148

National Indian Forest Resources Act, 114

National Indian Forest Resources Management Act Programs/Integrated Resource Management Plans (IRMPs) , 43

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), 43, 70, 201, 202

National Marine Sanctuary Program, 43

National Minerals Assessment Program, 44

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 200

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA), 200

National Park Service, 81

programs administered by, 44

National research coordinating council, 135, 139

Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.

National Research Council, 17, 139

National Resource Lands, 73

National Science and Technology Council, 135-136

National Urban and Community Forest Advisory Council, 116-117

National Wetlands Inventory (NWI), 43

National Wildlife Refuges, 73

National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act, 73

National Woodland Owners Association, Private Property Responsibility Initiative, 146

Native Americans;

see also Tribal forests

community, definition of, 147

community ownership of land, 29, 114, 145

connectedness, definition of, 147

employment and income from tribal forests, 34

fishing rights, 148

humility, definition of, 148

nontimber forest products, 37

ownership of forestland, 29

perspectives on property and sovereignty, 146-149

private nonfederal forestland owned, 29, 170t

reservations, 148

respect, definition of, 147

rights, 148-149

tribal hunting and gathering rights, 148

Natural Resource Conservation Education, 197

Natural Resources and the Environment Competitive Grants Research Program, 43

Natural Resources Inventory (NRI), urban and community forestland acreage, 28, 175t

Nature Conservancy, 93-94, 137

Neotropical migratory bird species, 58, 60, 162, 163

Nevada, forest practices regulatory law, 49

New Hampshire, local forestry ordinances, 51

New Mexico, forest practices regulatory law, 49

Nitrate levels, 41

Nitrogen, saturation of soils, 66

Nonfederal cropland, diverted from forestland acreage, 27, 174t

Nonfederal developed land, diverted from forestland acreage, 27, 174t

Nonfederal forests

acreage and owners with written forest management plans, 30, 182t

acreage decreases and increases, 1

acreage in U.S., 25

area of forestland and units, by ownership, 30, 183t

area owned, by size class of ownership, 30, 181t

area whose ownership changed, 30, 181t

artificial vs. natural origin of forest stands in Southeast region , 28, 178t

assistance programs, 91

challenges for future investment in sustainability, 3-4

committee recommendations, 4-11

concentration (location) in U.S., 25

contributions in global context, 4

conversion of land use, 27

coordination hindered, 5

description, 15

descriptions of timberland, 25

diverted from cropland acreage, 27, 174t

diverted from federal land acreage, 27, 174t

diverted from pastureland acreage, 27, 174t

diverted from water areas acreage, 27, 174t

ecological services, 2

environmental services, 157

federal assistance and protection programs, 3

federal involvement issues, features of, 82

federal leadership, 79

federal programs, 2

Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.

forestland area, 26, 171t

forestland locations, 26

forestland locations by region, 26, 171t

forestland ownership in U.S. by region, 26

information base improvements, 4

institutional issues frustrating sustainability, 72

institutional relationships guiding, 3

international and global circumstances influencing sustainability, 3

international issues affecting, 160-162

investing in sustainability of, 15

investments, sources and levels of, 3

lack of comprehensive national direction, 73, 74

lack of information about, 134

land use and cover changes, 174t

linkages with federal government entities, 82-88

location in U.S., 1

managed condition, 157

national interests identified, 7

national policies and programs developed, 3

national policy for, 7, 72-74

net annual growth of softwoods and hardwoods, 36, 187t

number of owners, by size class of ownership, 30, 180t

numbers of owners, by date of acquisition, 30, 182t

ownership characterisitcs, 29-31, 170t

percentage of forestland area, 25

plantations area projected by region, 28-29, 178t

private ownership, 29-30, 170t

private program initiatives, 2

program coordination, 104

programs at federal level, 5-6

programs, type and implementation of, 3

public ownership, 30-31, 170t, 172t, 179t

range in number and size of private ownership units, 30, 180t

recreational activities, acreage available for, 2

regulation of practices or conditions on, 2

research and information, management of, 3

resources, 3

rights and responsibilities of landowners, 3

sustained through private and voluntary initiatives, 96

timber harvest (%) from industrial and nonindustrial private forestland , 34

timber industry employment, 1-2

timberland acreage, 27, 172t-173t

timber products for export, 157

tree planting and seeding areas, 28-29, 176t-177t

urban and community forestland, 27-28

Nonfederal pastureland, diverted from forestland acreage, 27, 174t

Nonfederal public forests, investment issue, 119, 186t

Nonfederal public land management agencies, 34

Nonfederal rangeland, land use and cover changes, 174t

Nonindustrial forests, 10

Nonindustrial private forestland owners, 1

Nonindustrial private forests, 10, 29

for recreational opportunities, 39

investment issue, 118, 186t

Nonindustrial private owners, landowner investment circumstances, 111-112

Nonprofit-organization initiatives, 2, 93-94

Nonprofit-owned land, as habitat for endangered and threatened species , 40

Nontimber forest products, 36-37

North American Free Trade Agreement (FAFTA), 158

North American Waterfowl Management Program, 43

North Carolina

programs involving state- or county-owned forestlands, 115

timberland in Metropolitan Statistical Areas, 38

Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.

North Central region

federal programs, 189t

finances of state forestry agencies, 191t

forestland area by ownership, 179t

nonfederal forestland acreage, 26, 171t

nonindustrial private forests, 29

private forestland ownership units, 30, 180t

state government forestry program expenditures, 190t

timber harvest, 185t

timberland acreage, 27, 172t

timberland area, nonfederal public ownership, 30, 172t

tree planting and seeding by ownership, 28, 176t

urban forestland acreage, 28, 175t

Northeast region

federal programs, 189t

finances of state forestry agencies, 191t

forestland area by ownership, 179t

local forestry ordinances, 51

nonfederal forestland acreage, 26, 171t

nonindustrial private forests, 29

private forestland ownership units, 30, 180t

state government forestry program expenditures, 190t

state government programs, 48, 49, 192t-193t

timber harvest, 185t

timberland area, 27, 172t

timberland area, nonfederal public ownership, 30, 172t

tree planting and seeding by ownershiop, 176t

urban forestland acreage, 28, 175t

Northern forestlands Council, 17, 85, 102, 106

Northern spotted owl, 59

Norway's Forest Trust Fund, 127, 129

Norwegian Forestry and Forest Protection Act of 1965, 129

Nuisance, English Common Law concept of, 143

Nuisance law, 150


Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), 46, 202

Office of Management and Budget, 77

Office of Science and Technology Policy, 77

Old-growth-diversification studies, 91

Opportunity costs, 110


conversion of original forests, 61

forest practices regulatory law, 49, 50

Oregon Department of Forestry, 127

Oregon's Forest Practices Act, 51, 130

Oregon's Forest Resource Trust Fund, 127, 130

Organizations' cooperatives, forest management of nonfederal forests , 88

Ownership, mixed public-private system, 19

Ozone, chronic low-level exposure, 66, 156


PACFISH. See Interim Strategies for Managing Anadromous Fish-Producing Watersheds in the Pacific Northwest

Pacific Northwest Assistance Program, 188t, 198

Pacific Northwest Forest Plan, 44

Pacific Northwest region

federal programs, 189t

finances of state forestry agencies, 191t

forest land area by ownership, 29, 179t

mushroom harvesting, 36

nonfederal forestland acreage, 26, 117, 171t

old-growth forests, 60, 61

plantation area on private timberland projected, 29, 178t

private forestland area and private ownership units, 180t

projected tree plantation, 63, 178t

softwood inventory, 118-119, 186t

state government forestry program expenditures, 190t

timber harvest, 35, 185t

Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.

timberland area, nonfederal public ownership, 30, 172t

tree planting and seeding by ownership, 28, 176t

urban forestland acreage, 175t

Pacific Southwest region

federal programs, 189t

finances of state forestry agencies, 191t

forest land area by ownership, 179t

nonfederal forestland acreage, 26, 171t

private forestland area and number of private ownership units, 180 t

state government forestry expenditures, 190t

timber harvest, 35, 185t

timberland area by ownership, 172t

tree planting and seeding by ownership, 176t

urban forestland acreage, 175t

Pampas grass, 70

Partners in Flight (PIF) Program, 43

Passive-active rules, 101

Passive-loss rules, 101

Payroll, in wood-based industries, 32, 33, 183t

Pennsylvania, local forestry ordinances, 51

Permanent Appropriation, 44

Pesticides, 47

Phytophthora root rot, 69

''Pilot forests," 92

Pine cones, sale of, 36

Pine plantation area, in nonfederal forests, 28

Pine shoot beetle, 69

Plantation, 63, 91, 110, 119-120, 176t

decline following Conservation Reserve Program decline, 123

fiscal incentives, 98

Poka vine, 70

Police power, 150, 152

Pollution control, 38

water, 40-41

President's Council on Sustainable Development, 16

Private cooperatives, 86

Private forest regions, as functional program delivery system, 85

Private Forestry programs, 43

Private initiatives, 91-96

Private investments

capital, 121-122

rates of return, 121-122

regulatory effects, 122

scale of, 121

Private land, government restrictions on use of, 142

Private Lands Program, 43

Private natural-resource organizations, 96

Private ownership

nonfederal forests, 29-30, 170t

timberland area ownership by region, 172t-173t

Private programs, nonfederal forests, 2

Private property rights and societal action, 143-146

Property rights, 142

balancing rights and responsibilities, 149-154

Property-rights laws of various states, 151

Property-rights movement, 153

Property tax assessments, 47

Property taxes, annual ad valorem, 102

Property tax laws, 126

Public and private landowner partnership, 86-87

Public investments, 122-125

incidence of, 125, 131

scale of, 124-125

Public-sector funding, 127

Public-service announcements, wildfire protection, 91

Pulp fiber production, 62

Purchase, of private lands, 2


Quality of life, nonfederal forests as contributor to, 19

Quinault tribe, 148-149


Rangelands, deterioration of, 70

Rare species, habitat of, 60-61

Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.

Real estate value, 38

Recreation, acreage and number of forest land units owned for, 183 t

Recreational activities, 48

nonfederal forests as setting for, 2

Recreational Boating and Facilities Improvement Act (1980), 101

Recreational opportunities, public nonfederal forestland, 39

Recreation values, 36

Recycling, 91

of wood, 62

Red-cockaded woodpecker, 107

Reduced-impact harvesting, 63

Reduced-impact logging techniques, 68

Reforestation, 18, 27, 46-47, 93

carbon sequestration, 68

forestry-consultant initiatives, 94

investment issue, 120

investment tax credits for, 101

public investments, 124

rates of return of investment, 121

regulatory effects, 122

variables affecting decisions by private nonindustrial forest landowners , 51-52, 194t

voluntary guideline programs least effective, 52

Reforestation investment tax incentive, 101

Reforestation Trust fund, 44

Regeneration expenses, 100-101

Regeneration methods, 120

Regional integration, strategies of forestry interests fostered, 3

Regionalism, 84

Regulatory programs, 108

effectiveness, state programs, 195t

federal regulatory role, 104-105

issues, 105

local-level programs, 50-51, 203-204

private-forest practices, 102-105

program coordination, 104

state and local initiatives, 104, 105

state-level programs, 49-50, 192t-193t, 203

Renewable Resources Extension Act (RREA), 46

programs, 43

Rental agreements, 105-107

Research and development, 133-136

availability of researchers, 134

funding of, 134, 139

organization and management of research, 135

planning and focus of research, 135-136

quality of research, 134

quantity of research, 134

Research Grants Program (EPA), 44

Residence, acreage and forestland units owned for, 183t

Resource Conservation and Development Program (RC&D), 43

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCCRA), 44

Riparian Area Management Program, 43

Riparian forests, 70, 71, 122

Rivers and Harbors Act (1890), 103, 202

Rocky Mountain region

federal programs, 189t

forestland area by ownership, 179t

nonfederal forestland acreage, 26, 117, 171t

private forestland area and private ownership units, 180t

state government programs, 48, 190t, 192t-193t

timber harvest, 185t

timberland acreage, 27, 173t

tree planting and seeding, 177t

urban forestland acreage, 175t

Rolling easements, 106

Ruffed Grouse Society, 95

Rural Forestry Assistance program, 43, 81, 188t

Rust, 69


Safe harbor agreements, 107

Sanctuaries, 93-94

San Francisco Bay and Delta Estuary Initiatives, 44

Scotch broom, 70

Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.

Second Conference of Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change in Geneva, 161

Sediment routing patterns, 70

Seed-tree laws, 49

Seventh American Forest Congress, 73, 75

Seventh generation, 148

Shipments, value of, in wood-based industries in U.S., 32, 33, 183 t

Silvicultural regeneration systems, 47

Small log utilization technology, 62

Small Watershed Program, 43

Smith-Lever Act, 46

Smith-Lever Extension Programs, 43

Social benefits, health and psychological, 38

Softwood inventories, 35-36, 118, 119, 161, 186t

Soil, ecological services in nonfederal forests, 2

Soil Bank Program (SBP), 51

Soil-sensitive timber harvesting techniques, 47

South, nonindustrial private forests, 29

South Carolina

landowner-assistance programs, 93

timberland in Metropolitan Statistical Areas, 38

South Central region

federal programs, 189t

forestland area by ownership, 29, 179t

nonfederal forestland, 26, 117, 171t

pine plantation projections, 28, 178t

plantation area on private timberland projected, 28, 178t

private forestland area and private ownership units, 180t

projected tree plantation, 63, 178t

state government forestry program expenditures, 190t

state government programs, 48-49, 50, 192t-193t

stocking-control practices or regeneration, 123

timber harvest, 35, 185t

timberland area by ownership, 173t

tree planting and seeding, 28, 63, 177t

urban forestland acreage, 28, 175t

South Dakota, programs involving state- or county-owned forestlands , 115

Southeast region

artificial vs. natural origin of forest stands on nonfederal timberland , 28, 178t

federal programs, 189t

finances of state forestry agencies, 191t

forestland area by ownership, 29, 179t

nonfederal forestland, 26, 171t

pine plantation projections, 28, 178t

private forestland area and number of private ownership units, 180 t

projected tree plantations, 63, 178t

state government programs, 48-49, 50, 190t, 192t-193t

stocking-control practices or regeneration, 123

timber harvest, 35, 185t

timberland area by ownership, 173t

tree planting and seeding by ownership, 28, 63, 177t

urban forestland acreage, 28, 175t

timberland acreage, 117

South Florida/Everglades Restoration, 44

Special income tax treatment, 20

Special Projects Program, 188t

Sport Fish Restoration Program, 43

Stand canopies, closure hastened, 35

State-directed forestry programs, 202-204

State fish and game agencies, 39

State forestry agencies, 2

education and information programs, 96

finances by region and source of support, 46, 191t

investments, 46

managing land for recreational opportunities, 39

programs to directly influence use and management of private forests , 47

State forestry programs, 43

effectiveness as judged, 52, 195t

State forests, 10

landowner investment circumstances, 113-114, 115-116

Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.

State governments

forestland area ownership by region, 30, 179t

timberland area ownership, 172t-173t

Statehood grants, 30

State investments, 124, 190t

State-level programs, 46-50

assistance and incentive programs, 47, 190t, 192t

cost-share grants, 99

federal government aid, 6-7, 20, 83

funding sources for, 127, 128, 130, 131

influencing private forestry practices, 92

linkages with federal programs, 84

linkage with nonfederal forests, 84

program selection and choices, 47

regional differences, state government programs, 48-49, 192t-193t

regulatory effects on investments, 122

regulatory measures, 47

regulatory programs, 8, 49-50, 104-105, 192t-193t, 203

state agency funding, 46

state forestry agencies, investments, 46

State park agencies, 39

State property-rights laws, 151

State tax policies, 101-102

Stewardship, 150, 154

responsible, 142-149

Stewardship Incentives Program (SIP), 43, 45, 81, 124, 198

budget history of state and private forestry, 188t

funding by region, 189t

Stocking-control practices, 123

Storm-water flow, 38

Stream flow, high-quality water, 40

Stumpage prices, effect on reforestation, 123

Subsidies, discouraged by trade agreements, 159

Subsistence hunting, 148

Sulfur dioxide emissions, 66, 67

Superfund, 201

Surface water development, 40

Suspended sediment, 41


clarification of, 16

definition, 17

federal role in, 20-21

of forests, 19

Sustainable development, definition, 17

Sustainable forest management, definition, 17, 208-209

Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), 93, 113, 209

Sustained yield management, 63

Swan Valley Conservation Agreement, 85


Target Industry Program (Michigan), 114, 115, 128

Tax credits, 47, 126

Tax deductions, 126

Tax delinquency, 30, 31

Tax incentive programs, 52, 98, 99-102, 108, 110

effectiveness, state programs, 195t

state government programs, 192t-193t, 203

wildlife protection, 48

Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, 99-100

Tax Reform Act of 1986, 100

Technical-assistance programs, 52, 96-98, 108, 110, 126

effectiveness, state programs, 195t

public investments, 124, 131

state government programs, 192t-193t, 202

Technical forestry services, provision of, 2

Technology transfer, 136-137

client groups and scope of programs, 136-137

Term easements, 106

Thinning, 69

Threatened species, 40, 48

decline in CRP planting of pine plantations, 123

educational programs, 52

habitat in nonfederal forests, 2

habitat losses, 61

Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.

multi-agency responsibilities, 6

protection through conservation rental contracts, 106


increased mortality, 57, 58

softwood and hardwood net annual growth by ownership, 34, 187t

Timber and wood products, 34-36

Timber bridge initiatives, 91

Timber export, 163

world demand, 160

Timber growing stock inventory, by ownership, 34, 35, 118, 186t

regulatory effects, 122

Timber harvest, 109

by region, 34, 35, 185t

from forest industry, farm, and privately owned forestland, 35

reduction as result of policy changes, 61-62

softwood and hardwood, by ownership, 34, 35, 184t

Timber harvester certification, 93

Timber harvester registration programs, 93

Timber harvesting, 93

procedures, 47

Timber investory, investment issue, 118


acreage by ownership and region, 27, 172t-173t

industrially owned acreage, 29, 170t

nonfederal public ownership, 30, 172t

privately owned, by ownership, 29, 170t

Timber management

investment issue, 119-120, 176t

practices, 119-120

Timber production, acreage and forestland units owned for, 30, 183 t

Timber products, certified forest practices, 95

Timber stand, investment in, 121

Timber-stand improvement (TSI), 63, 110, 120

fiscal incentives, 98

Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 44

Trade agreements, 158-160, 163

nonfederal forests and, 11

Tree Assistance Program (TAP), 45, 199-200

funding by region, 189t

Tree canopies, in Milwaukee, 38

Tree-farm program, 92

Tree planting and plantations, 63

acreage by region and ownership, 28-29, 176t-177t

programs, community involvement in, 38

Trees Atlanta, 85

Tribal forests, 1, 10;

see also Native Americans

economic benefits from, 34

employment and income, 2, 34

as habitat for endangered and threatened species, 40

landowner investment circumstances, 114

as sanctuaries, 39

Tribal Restricted Fee, 29

Tribal Simple, 29

Tribal Trust, 29

Trinity County, California, wildcrafting, 37

Trust for Public Land, 94

Trusts, private, 9


United Nations' Conference on Environment and Development (June 1992) , 156, 158

United States, tree planting and seeding by region, 177t

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 5, 42, 70, 75, 81

issuing permits for obstructing waterways, 202

programs administered by, 43

regulating wetlands per Clean Water Act, 200

U.S. Congress, 150

established National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, 94

Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.

U.S. Constitution, Fifth Amendment, 145, 149, 150, 152, 153

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 42, 43, 88

USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES), 42, 45-46, 81, 95

programs administered by, 43

USDA Economic Research Service (ERS), nonfederal forestland acreage estimate, 26

USDA Farm Services Agency, 42, 200

USDA Forest Service, 2, 29-30, 42, 45, 78

budget history of state and private forestry, 188t

costs for state and private expenditures, 73

creation of Forest Legacy Program, 106

definition of forestland, 138

employees on payroll (9/30/95), 34

Forest Health Management programs, 196

Forestry Incentives Program, 199

identification of potentially deteriorating forest conditions, 57

national strategic plan for programs at 5-year intervals, 74-75

nonfederal forestland acreage estimate, 26

nonfederal-forests programs, 91

potentially serious and deteriorating situations in U.S. forests, 57, 58

programs administered by, 43

RPA Program prepared, 5

state and private forestry programs, 83, 125

State and Private Forestry unit, 6, 44, 79, 85, 96

State and Private Forestry unit, interfacing with states, 83

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), 42, 81, 96, 199

definition of forestland, 138

land use estimates (not forest cover), 27, 174t

nonfederal forestland acreage estimate, 26

programs administered by, 43

USDA Soil Conservation Service 1991, 27

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 5, 42, 75, 81, 94

administering regulations for terrestrial and freshwater species, 201

enforcing Endangered Species Act, 202

National Training and Education Center, 137

programs administered by, 43, 70

U.S. General Accounting Office, reforestation investment tax incentive , 101

U.S. Geological Survey, 81

National Water Quality Assessment Program, 137

programs administered by, 44

U.S. Supreme Court

Endangered Species Act regulation and property values, 152

protection of private property, 142

Upper Columbia Basin Project, 85

Urban and community benefits, 37-38

Urban and Community Forestry, 198

Urban and community forests, 10

economic value and other benefits, 37-38

social benefits, 37-38

Urban forestlands, 1, 27-28, 31, 66

acreage by region, 28, 175t

landowner investment circumstances, 116-117

strategies to improve investment level, 117

Urban Forestry Program, 43, 81, 188t

Urban-interface wildfires, 65

Urbanization, 27

Urban Resources Partnership, 85

Usufruct tenure, 145, 147



forestry practice regulatory system, 49

programs involving state- or county-owned forestlands, 116

Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.

timberland in Metropolitan Statistical Areas, 38

Volatile organic hydrocarbons (VOCs), emitted by trees, 67

Voluntary easements, 106

Voluntary-guideline programs, 192t-193t, 202

effectiveness, state level, 195t

Voluntary initiatives, 91-96

Volunteer efforts, 94-95

Volunteer organizations, managing urban forests, 116



conversion of original forests, 61

forest practices regulatory law, 49, 50

programs involving state- or county-owned forestlands, 116

urban-interface wildfires, 65

Washington Department of Natural Resources, 36

Washington timber, fish, and wildlife agreement, 116

Water areas, diverted from forestland acreage, 27, 174t

Water areas and federal land, land use and cover changes, 174t

Water pollutants, prevention of, from nonpoint forest sources, 6

Water quality, 20, 36, 38, 47-48, 70-71

best management practices, 41

diminished, 57, 58

ecological services in nonfederal forests, 2

effectiveness of state forestry programs, 52, 195t

potentially deteriorating situations, 58

private landowners to reserve riparian areas, 122

Sustainable Forest Initiative, 93

Water Quality Incentives Program, 199

Water-quality programs

administered by federal government agencies or bureau-level units, 76

implemented by USDA, 76

Watershed characteristics, 57

Watershed integrity, 70-71

measures of, 71

Watershed Planning Conference, 78-79

Watershed Planning Program, 43, 44

Water temperature, 41

West region, state government programs, 48, 49-50, 192t-193t

Wetland Reserve Program, 106-107

Wetlands, 20

Wetlands Regulatory Program, 44

Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP), 43

White pine blister rust, 69

White-tailed deer, 58-59

Wildcrafting, 36, 37

Wildfire, 20, 57, 121

and alien plants spreading, 70

management, 6-7, 64-65

protection, 18, 47, 83, 91, 124

protection, state forestry program effectiveness, 52, 195t

suppression, federal assistance to states, 4

Wildland and urban interface, 64


habitat, 70, 93, 110, 122

habitat provided, ecological services in nonfederal forests, 2

management, 48

populations, 36

protection, 52

Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program, 43, 199

Wildlife Restoration Program, 43


assistance provided to counties, 114

programs involving state- or county-owned forestlands, 116

Wisconsin Bureau of Forestry, 127

Wood, shortfall, ways to make up for, 62

Wood-based industry

landowner investment circumstances, 112-113

research funding, 135

World Commission on Environment and Development, 16, 17

World Wildlife Fund (WWF), 95

Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.
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Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.

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Soil Conservation: Assessing the National Resources Inventory, Volume 1 (1986), 134 pp., ISBN 0-309-03649-9; Volume 2 (1986), 314 pp., ISBN 0-309-03675-5

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Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.
Page 236
Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.
Page 237
Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.
Page 238
Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.
Page 239
Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.
Page 240
Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.
Page 241
Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.
Page 242
Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.
Page 243
Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.
Page 244
Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.
Page 245
Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.
Page 246
Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.
Page 247
Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.
Page 248
Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.
Page 249
Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.
Page 250
Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.
Page 251
Suggested Citation:"Index." National Research Council. 1998. Forested Landscapes in Perspective: Prospects and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of America's Nonfederal Forests. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5492.
Page 252
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The federal role in the management of nonfederal U.S. forests was once relatively simple: to assist in the prevention and control of wildfires. The administrative structure to carry out this role was similarly uncomplicated, with most programs under the aegis of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In recent years, however, both the management and administrative landscapes have changed dramatically. Responsibility for the federal role in nonfederal forests has been expanded to include a number of cabinet departments and independent agencies, which must address critical issues such as reforestation, wetlands disruption, and biodiversity protection. With two-thirds of all U.S. forests on nonfederal lands, these issues are becoming increasingly more important. Now, a first-of-its-kind examination of the federal role in nonfederal forest management, Forested Landscapes in Perspective presents a comprehensive look at the current landscape and recommends improvements that best serve public and private interests. This timely volume includes an insightful description of the current situation and recent trends, followed by a thorough examination of major policy and program issues affecting nonfederal forests. Among these are emerging environmental concerns such as forest fragmentation and large-scale climate change, as well as issues of economic importance, such as the availability of timber supplies.


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