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Pages 1-18

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From page 1...
... The committee evaluated the relevance and impact of the TI Research Program's efforts for the years 1996-2005, reviewed the program's strategic goals for the future, and provided recommendations for program improvement. Using a five-point scoring scale (where 5 is highest)
From page 2...
... These BLS estimates are widely recognized to underestimate the full extent of the problem. They exclude nonfatal injuries among the 22 percent of the workforce that are not in private-sector employment, and there is also evidence that private-sector injuries are under counted.
From page 3...
... This report contains a review and evaluation of the TI Research Program. NIOSH defines work-related traumatic injury as "any damage inflicted to the body by energy transfer during work with a short duration between exposure and health event." Safety research is an interchangeable term in NIOSH publications for traumatic injury research.
From page 4...
...  educe occupational injuries and fatalities due to highway motor vehicle crashes R 1.2.  educe occupational injuries and fatalities due to motor vehicle incidents in high R way and street construction work zones 2.
From page 5...
... committee. For its assessment of the NIOSH process for targeting new research areas and identifying emerging issues in occupational safety and health, the committee relied primarily on a review of the TI Research Program's strategic goals for the future (a list of these goals was included in the evidence package provided to the committee by NIOSH)
From page 6...
... The committee commends the TI Research Program for its contributions toward reducing occupational traumatic injuries. The TI Research Program is associated with impact on either intermediate or end outcomes in each major goal.
From page 7...
... that have broad stakeholder vested interest and/or are potentially controversial. The TI Research Program also organizes and hosts periodic National Occupational Injury Research Symposia (NOIRS) , which bring together researchers from a broad range of disciplines to discuss research in progress and to form research and prevention partnerships.
From page 8...
... Based on information provided in the evidence package, it is apparent that occupational fatality surveillance data have been an important program driver. Nonfatal occupational injuries far outnumber fatal in juries, and risk factors for fatal and nonfatal injuries are not necessarily the same.
From page 9...
... The committee identified gaps in the plans for future work in motor vehicles. The committee urges the TI Research Program to consider taxi driving, short haul trucking, day delivery drivers, parking lot occupational driving, and intrastate driving.
From page 10...
... These are as follows: • Organizational culture and adoption of safety measures • Cost of injuries • Policy evaluation research • Small-to-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) • Surveillance research Recommendations for Program Improvement After reviewing the evidence package provided by the TI Research Program and evaluating its work in the eight goals, the committee developed a series of general recommendations for program improvement.
From page 11...
... The Changing Nature of Work Research prevention strategies for traumatic injuries in a changing workplace. falls from telecommunications towers appears to be a response to a newly discovered occupational risk)
From page 12...
... Coordination and Collaboration Given that the TI Research Program operates under severely limited resources, it must not only be strategic in selecting its priorities, as discussed previously, but also position itself to benefit from collaborations within the federal government and with academic researchers and state agencies. These collaborations and coordi nating activities will help the TI Research Program prioritize its activities in order to complement work elsewhere or to avoid duplication of effort.
From page 13...
... The TI Research Program should develop a plan for improving surveillance of nonfatal injuries, integral to prevention and to strengthening the TI Research Program portfolio development. A comprehensive approach should go beyond use of employer-based data to include nonemployer-based data sources such as hospital data and other medical data systems, the National Health Interview Survey, and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.
From page 14...
... NIOSH should review its practices and take steps to improve the opportu nities for intramural and extramural researchers, including state occupational public health programs, to communicate and collab orate without excessively directing extramural research to the det riment of scientific creativity. NIOSH should also further ensure collaboration and coordination among its programs, including the traumatic injury, construction, mining, and agriculture programs.
From page 15...
... Experts in translation should be included in project teams. As the TI Research Program develops better tracking of extramural research projects, translation activities regarding the outcomes of this research can be planned, whether through translation components included in the extramural research or by collaborations with the NIOSH transfer experts.
From page 16...
... In addition, there is likely to be a continued shift in work organization and employment practices including corporate restructuring and downsizing, shifts to leaner, more flexible production methods, and increased reliance on part-time, temporary, and contingent labor. These trends may influence work hours, job demands, benefits, and job security that may in turn adversely impact injury risks and may disproportionately affect vulnerable worker populations.
From page 17...
... In the evidence package provided to the Committee to Review the NIOSH TI Research Program.

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