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Currently Skimming:

Pages 208-214

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
Select key terms on the right to highlight them within pages of the chapter.

From page 208...
... Bee hive The physical construct for honey bees: a hol low tree, a Langstroth hive, a woven straw skep, or any other container of the right volume and physical properties. Beeswax A complex lipoidal secretion from the four paired wax glands of young worker bees.
From page 209...
... Carpenter bee Large solitary bee that lays eggs in tunnels bored into wood or plant stems. Colony Social insects including honey bees organized by caste (sterile female workers, male drones, a queen mother)
From page 210...
... Drone A male honey bee that does not forage for itself at flowers, but is fed by its sisters. Haplodip loid genetic sex determination in bees, ants, and wasps results in males having one set of chromo somes.
From page 211...
... of a honey bee colony. Also called the nest or nest box.
From page 212...
... Nectar robbing Extraction of nectar through a hole pierced in the corolla, a practice of some short-tongued bumble bees and carpenter bees that allows them to extract nectar from long-tubed flowers. Nosema A bee disease caused by a protozoan (Nosema apis)
From page 213...
... Pollination The transfer of pollen grains from flower to flower and usually plant to plant by wind, water, or animals. Queen bee The mother of the bees in a nest; usually a single queen inhabits a mature bee colony.
From page 214...
... Tracheal mite Acarapis woodi, parasite of honey bees, acciden tally introduced into the United States that has caused colony mortality in many locations. Trioecious Staminate, pistillate, and perfect flowers borne on different plants.

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