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Appendix A: Modified FCCSET Water Resources Research Categories
Pages 215-228

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From page 217...
... Note: This subcategory generally includes research activities at the subcontinental scale or smaller. Water cycle studies on a global scale should be included under II-M.
From page 218...
... Note: Studies dealing primarily with the natural chemical or biological aspects of groundwater should be incorporated in II-K and XI-A, respectively. Studies concerned with the fate and transport of pollutants in ground water should be included in V-B.
From page 219...
... Examples might include estimates of river discharges to oceans on a worldwide basis, and effect of man-made impoundments or land-use changes on the global water cycle. Note: Studies that focus primarily on the effects of climate change on aquatic ecosystems should be reported in XI-C.
From page 220...
... This includes studies on increasing streamflow or improving its distribution through land management; determining hydrologic response to artificially induced rainfall; water harvesting from impervious areas; phreatophyte control; reservoir evaporation suppression.
From page 221...
... Note: The broader connotation of watershed protection that includes research on structural management measures (BMPs) that may protect water resources from detrimental changes in water quantity and quality is found in IV-A and V-G, respectively.
From page 222...
... such as production modification or substitution, process changes, improved agricultural practices for preventing pollution from pesticides and other agricultural chemicals; other structural management measures (BMPs) to protect water resources from water quality changes brought about by various land-use practices (nonpoint source pollution control)
From page 223...
... ; cost sharing; and repayment policy. This subcategory includes research on economic methodologies that may increase the effectiveness and breadth of water-related economic institutions.
From page 224...
... This includes research on nonstructural practices that might be part of water resources and water shed management, including land acquisition, conservation easements, zoning and development ordinances, septic system siting requirements and inspection, economic incentives, incentives to reduce impervious cover, and public education and outreach.
From page 225...
... Category VIII describes research that has as its prime objective the development of improved technology for designing, constructing, and operating these works. Works relevant to a single specific goal, such as water treatment or desalination, are included elsewhere if an appropriate category exists.
From page 226...
... H Rapid excavation -- Research on the mechanical, chemical, and nuclear explosive techniques and equipment for rapidly excavating and moving large volumes of earth or rock -- for application specifically to water resources engineering works.
From page 227...
... D Specialized information center services -- Activities described under sub categories A, B, and C where performed by a separate functional element whose mission includes additional subject area technical competence to critically review, digest, analyze, evaluate, or summarize scientific and technical information in specially defined areas, or to provide advisory or other services.
From page 228...
... It also includes research into all aspects of aquatic ecosystem structure and function, including water requirements of aquatic and related terrestrial ecosystems, ecosystem response to degradation, procedures for restoration, and response of the biota to management alternatives. Note: Research on restoration strate gies may overlap with IV-D, V-G, and VIII-K.

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