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5 International and Regional Activities
Pages 85-93

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From page 85...
... At the same time, hundreds of foreign specialists have been working for many years in the scientific and educational institutions of the country, on short- and long-term programs. As the government emphasizes recruitment of foreign professors for positions in Kazakhstan and increases support for students traveling abroad for higher education, the extent of international programs will surely expand during the next decade.
From page 86...
... As to the other Central Asian republics, the ties between some Kazakhstani institutions and their counterparts in neighboring countries have long histories, although financial constraints usu
From page 87...
... Informal inquiries in Moscow and Astana indicate that almost every ministry in the two countries supports bilateral cooperative programs involving some aspect of S&T. All leading research and educational institutions in Kazakhstan have at least informal ties with Russian counterpart institutions.
From page 88...
... private companies with research institutes. Finally, the Department of Defense's nonproliferation program is designed to help strengthen local capacity to conduct surveillance of infectious diseases, and the field station in Almaty of the U.S.
From page 89...
... COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS TO ENHANCE S&T CAPABILITIES IN KAZAKHSTAN This section highlights a few other international programs and projects designed at least in part to enhance the S&T infrastructure of Kazakhstan. Much of the information has been provided by the Department of State's Environment, Science, Technology, and Health Hub for Central Asia, located at the U.S.
From page 90...
... Frequently mentioned in this regard are the programs of the International Science and Technology Center, which has distributed more than $50 million to local scientists since 1995. Since 2000 these programs, as well as other international efforts, have continued to be important in supporting highquality research, but they are not now as critical for institutional survival as the economy recovers and state programs provide increased funding to the S&T community.
From page 91...
... Coordinated national monitoring programs, exchanges of research data, and joint expeditions are among the many activities that are carried out. Selected institutions located in the five countries have been designated as lead organizations for specific scientific activities of common interest.1 • The Aral Sea legacy is the focal point for a large number of regional projects that involve primarily Uzbekistani and Kazakhstani institutions.
From page 92...
... This list of regional programs is a small sampling of the many projects that involve Kazakhstani scientists working on a regional basis. Against this background of a long tradition of regional collaboration, the committee offers the following suggestions for initiating or expanding regional cooperation that should be of special interest to Kazakhstan: • Management of Water Resources: Regional programs to conserve water resources in the arid areas of Central Asia date back many decades.
From page 93...
... A special effort should be made to attract talented students from neighboring countries as well. Since markets in Central Asia for technology-intensive products should be an important component of Kazakhstan's development plans, attendance at the university by future scientific leaders from these countries should in the long run pay off in terms of ties among colleagues with common interests and with influence in their countries.

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