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5. Conclusions and Recommendations
Pages 35-40

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From page 35...
... For the purpose of this evaluation, the studies that the NDCEE made of four potential technical changes were reviewed. Two of these technologies, electrocoat and powder coating, are related to methods for applying coatings, the third, ion beam surface modification, is a method for improving coatings and surface condition, and the fourth, ultrahigh-pressure waterjets, is used for coatings removal and surface preparation.
From page 36...
... The electrocoat equipment installed had a high initial cost and considerable operational maintenance costs, and so a steady throughput and continued use of the system were required for it to be cost-effective. Because the minimum usage level to make electrocoat economical exceeds the maximum requirements at most DOD depots where it was expected to be used, this technology proved to be of limited value.
From page 37...
... These goals should be coordinated with NDCEE's technology partners, including original equipment manufacturers, DOD command organizations, DOD equipment depots, technology suppliers, technical consultants, and internal staff. An independent program oversight panel should regularly review and publish the NDCEE's quantifiable performance toward achieving these milestones.
From page 38...
... The plan should establish milestones, and specific tasks to ensure broad visibility of the technology and should provide for close involvement of the industry that would ultimately service the Department of Defense. Involvement of the full range of stakeholders in program development provides contacts and champions within the organizations that control designs to help overcome the real and complex hurdles in implementing technology in military applications.
From page 39...
... These experts should be capable of responding to the total breadth of DOD's environmental concerns and provide technical advice or conduct case-specific experimental analyses. This service could be added either through direct staffing at NDCEE or through cooperative work with academic and government research centers in the appropriate fields, other mission organizations within the Department of Defense, or brokered relationships with industrial technology suppliers.
From page 40...
... The demonstration factory capabilities at the NDCEE investigated in this study are not a necessary or cost-effective means of demonstrating environmentally useful technologies. Reliance on industrial facilities commonly used by the commercial users of coatings would be cost-effective and would lead to further collaboration with manufacturers.

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