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Section 9: Implications of a DBS-A System Service for the United States and the United States Information Agency-Voice of America
Pages 63-66

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From page 63...
... It would reduce the cost, and increase the operational effectiveness, of audio broadcasting for more than lOO countries throughout the world. Proceeding to help with the organization and development of a DBS-A system-service would be a truly useful objective response to any international criticism directed toward the United States as it employs higher radiated power, and more frequencies and sites, in the VOA and BIB-RFE/~L HE modernization and expansion programs.
From page 64...
... itical/Cultural Public Law 95-426 calls upon the USIA to "...enhance understanding on the part of the tU.S.] government ...of the history, culture, attitudes, perceptions, and aspirations of others." A global DBS-A service would allow every government in the world, on an equitable and low-cost basis, to broadcast directly to the United States.
From page 65...
... The VOA, the State Department, and their analogues in more than lOO countries would be relieved of the increasingly onerous burden of dealing with shortwave broadcasting frequency allocation and interference problems. Beginning perhaps a decade from now, the VOA may no longer have to be concerned with providing technical and administrative personnel, facilities, power sources, etc., and physical protection for a large overseas broadcasting operation -- perhaps none of it or only that part of it needed to broadcast at HE and ME to countries that decide not to receive DBS-A service broadcasts.
From page 66...
... Once space is seen to be useful for providing excellent audio broadcasting services directly to individually retained spacewave receivers, there could be interest in the provision of national (domestic) audio DBS-A services as well to a market commensurate with the size of the worldwide market.

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