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5 AMO Science Enhancing National Defense
Pages 29-34

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From page 29...
... Many of the advances needed for national security have come out of civilian research programs; conversely, many of the advances from national security-related research programs have had a significant impact on civilian technologies. Here the committee describes just a few of the AMO science advances that have contributed to our national defense.
From page 30...
... To anticipate, respond to, and prevent future occurrences of the type that took place on that clay, the United States is creating an administrative structure Cal led Homeland Security. Responses to potential threats include the creation of systems capable of securing our nation's communication systems from infiltration, safeguarding our transportation systems from disablement, and preventing harm to our people from various weapons, including chemical and biological agents.
From page 31...
... [~s and Atomic Physic Heip Achieve NucIear Arms Reduction and Saievguard the Nation Nuclear nonproliferation is one of our most important national security goals. One of the challenges of the nonproliferation effort is how to assure the safety and reliability of our remaining nuclear weapons, an effort known as stockpile stewardship, without having to resort to testing through the detonation of nuclear warheads.
From page 32...
... With the accuracy of targeting typically decreasing by +50 meters for every kilometer of altitude, true precision bombing without the use of laser designators could only be achieved by bombing at very low altitudes to minimize the effect of wind. Low-flying bombing runs make an attacking aircraft an easy target for modern antiaircraft defenses.
From page 33...
... destroying it In its boost phase near the launch areas. The ABL will be capable of producing a beam to deliver several tens of kilowatts of continuous or pulsed power and projecting the beam ~ AMO Science Enhancing National Defense up to hundreds of kilometers away, using optics that employ deformable mirrors to compensate for intervening atmospheric turbulence.
From page 34...
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