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6. Findings and Recommendations
Pages 44-50

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From page 44...
... The recent upgrade of the rubidium standards flown on GPS satellites has decreased the user equivalent range error achieved with GPS by a factor of one-half, which can improve the probability of kill and reduce the number of sorties, casualties, and unwanted collateral damage. Advances in PTTI, including a reduction in size, weight, and power required for mobile devices, an improvement in the ruggedness of field systems, and more precise and accurate time dissemination, will lead to improvements in DOD capabilities that rely on PTTI.
From page 45...
... universities provide training in atomic physics and precision measurements relevant to PTTI, and a number of federal laboratories support training opportunities that focus on development of advanced atomic clocks and frequency standards. In particular, however, there is a dearth of U.S.
From page 46...
... The NRL Timation project and subsequent Navy developments in satellite navigation and orbiting precision clocks led to today's GPS and resulted in NRL funding being DOD's main source for the development of advanced atomic clocks for space. USNO has been a key player in the development of precise time coordination and transfer techniques such as GPS common view, GPS carrier phase, and two-way satellite time transfer.
From page 47...
... Pursuit of advanced concepts such as those utilizing optical frequencies should advance the precision available today in laboratory clocks by one or more orders of magnitude. Local oscillator improvements can be obtained by better understanding of quartz crystal systems and by pursuit of optoelectronic oscillators.
From page 48...
... To successfully build PTTI systems requires an understanding not just of the fundamental physics involved in high-precision frequency or time measurements, but also of all of the engineering factors that go into building a system that delivers that high precision in the real world. No course of academic training can produce an accomplished PTTI scientist; rather, an apprenticeship of sorts is required, in which the early career researcher works side by side with the accomplished PTTI scientist to learn the nuances of producing real systems of such incredibly high precision.
From page 49...
... Recommendation: DDR&E should coordinate PTTI research DOD-wide and develop an insertion plan to ensure that 6.2/6.3 advances in PTTI are transitioned into operational military systems. To help DDR&E and to ensure that the Navy' s responsibilities as PTTI manager are met, the Department of the Navy should convene regularly (at least annually)

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