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3. Findings and Recommendations
Pages 19-22

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From page 19...
... The current effort should include a planning function for a potential longer-term research program to address unmet needs in technical areas. The short time frame proposed in the Research Implementation Plan is an overarching concern; accordingly, the committee has made specific recommendations for tasks that can reasonably be completed in three years or less.
From page 20...
... The tasks include designing realistic tests, creating valid sampling and detection protocols, arranging accurate instrument calibration samples and variable strength, statistically robust, contaminant challenges in appropriate matrixes, and accurately scoring the performance of a range of instruments based on disparate physical, chemical, and/or biological principles. Because this is a relatively new activity for EPA, the design of detection technologies for use in real-time warning or reaction modes is not realistic given the three-year time frame of the Research Implementation Plan.
From page 21...
... The research program does need to be expanded to include gas phase decontaminants other than chlorine dioxide. The RIP should fund efforts to develop standards and protocols for decontamination that distinguish between requirements for chemical and biological threats as well as develop and evaluate sampling technologies and protocols for decontamination.
From page 22...
... The proposed waste disposal strategy and research projects therein reflect the EPA's expertise in handling hazardous materials disposal issues, its experience in responding to the recent anthrax decontamination effort, and its overall experience in hazardous waste cleanup through implementation of Superfund cleanup and removal actions. In the area of disposal the RIP should concentrate on the interactions, effects, and potential for generation of toxic residues from the interactions of biological decontamination agents with building materials, furniture, and carpets.

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