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Certain Aspects Regarding the Development of Conditions Favorable to Cyberterrorism and the Main Areas of Cooperation in the Struggle Against It
Pages 136-142

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From page 136...
... In order to work out the necessary approaches for preventing threats of unauthorized penetration of systems -- intrusion and infliction of damage -- we believe it is appropriate to consider the problem from the standpoint of ensuring computer security. In doing so, it is simplest to classify the various types of intruders according to the goals of their actions, for example, · obtaining access to secret data · altering data that affect the completion of processes (within a particular automated system or outside it, but under its control)
From page 137...
... The level of security provided by the architectural characteristics of computers and communications devices was sharply reduced with the appearance and accelerated introduction of new technologies, of which the following deserve special attention: · personal computers, especially IBMs using Microsoft operating systems · local networks with personal computer (PC) workstations · the transmission control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP)
From page 138...
... They appear automatically on specific workstations. For example, electronic libraries that perform essential service functions involved in working with data include an internal search system and other programs that are loaded automatically during disk initialization.
From page 139...
... Operating and maintaining the security technologies entail substantial additional costs. The more well-known outside intrusions that occur, the greater the demand for the products of companies that specialize in creating technologies for information security at various levels and with various purposes, producing methodological materials, and providing security consulting services.
From page 140...
... Furthermore, as the service provider plays a fundamental role in the organization of a VPN, this requires that these providers be highly responsible and that users place a great deal of trust in them. Therefore, the first conclusion that can be drawn is that the IBM PC-MSEthernet-Internet environment, which is the most widespread today and is used in creating automated information support tools for various functional purposes, is poorly protected against intrusions.
From page 141...
... This leads to our third conclusion, namely, that the danger of computer terrorism can be reduced only by using new systems technology solutions for the design of operating systems, collective use systems, and telecommunications protocols. The following could be suggested as areas for joint research with our American colleagues: · definition of design principles and implementation mechanisms for ensuring the security of the LINUX operating system and preventing intrusions into individual computers and collective use systems, including the construction of such systems on narrow client principles · definition of areas for improvement and development of recommendations on changing the IP protocol · study of questions related to the construction of virtual private networks that are reliable in preventing intrusions · study of questions related to the implementation of distributed parallel computing (GRID system)
From page 142...
... 142 CYBERTERRORISM It would also be appropriate to join forces to prepare the necessary methodological materials explaining the practical expediency of intrusion-resistant architectures to stimulate market interest in the shift to using hardware and software that could form the basis for the creation of reliably protected systems. Finally, it would be expedient to work together on preparing well-honed recommendations on the creation of a standardized set of laws on cyberterrorism.

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