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Currently Skimming:

5 Strategic Directions
Pages 34-36

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 34...
... of the hydrogen wall and then, only a few more years after that, using the same Lyman-alpha absorption technique, the discovery of hydrogen walls about other stars in our galactic neighborhood and the associated discovery of stellar winds from solar-like stars, the field underwent dramatic change. Coupled to the theoretical advances were the increasingly exciting observations being returned by the Voyager Interstellar Mission, Ulysses, ACE, and Wind -- ranging from observations of cosmic rays signaling the approach to the termination shock, the remarkable radio emissions, the deceleration of the solar wind, and the important dynamical contribution of pickup ions to shock waves and pressure-balanced-structures, to the large- and small-scale magnetic fields responsible for guiding and scattering energetic particles, to name only a few.
From page 35...
... The mutual interaction and feedback of plasma and neutral interstellar and heliospheric atom populations, and the coupling of neutral atoms, pickup ions, solar and LISM plasma, solar and LISM magnetic fields, anomalous and galactic cosmic rays, and so on, make for an extraordinarily complex region to model theoretically. Further progress demands the development of more sophisticated models to capture the appropriate physics together with the development of three-dimensional, temporal numerical solutions to the models using realistic parameters.
From page 36...
... Because Interstellar Probe will require only a rather straightforward trajectory with little need for precise navigation, it could be regarded as an ideal demonstration of nuclear-electric propulsion or solar sailing. The optimal approach requires further study and involves trade-offs among science requirements, launch vehicles, technology development, and system runout cost.

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