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Appendix D: The Environmental Protection Agency's Strategic and Multi-year Planning Process
Pages 90-94

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From page 90...
... . The EPA strategic plan delineates goals and describes how to achieve them, taking into account planning, budgeting, accountability, and performance measurements.
From page 91...
... Since 2003, EPA has advocated five strategic goals. The current EPA strategic plan is for FY 2006-2011 and lists the following as goals and objectives: • Goal 1: Clean Air and Global Climate Change - Objective 1.1: Healthier Outdoor Air - Objective 1.2: Healthier Indoor Air - Objective 1.3: Protect the Ozone Layer - Objective 1.4: Radiation - Objective 1.5: Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Objective 1.6: Enhance Science and Research • Goal 2: Clean and Safe Water - Objective 2.1: Protect Human Health - Objective 2.2: Protect Water Quality - Objective 2.3: Enhance Science and Research • Goal 3: Land Preservation and Restoration - Objective 3.1: Preserve Land - Objective 3.2: Restore Land - Objective 3.3: Enhance Science and Research • Goal 4: Healthy Communities and Ecosystems - Objective 4.1: Chemical, Organism, and Pesticide Risks - Objective 4.2: Communities - Objective 4.3: Restore and Protect Critical Ecosystems
From page 92...
... As an example of how the strategic plan is related to performance measures through the multi-year plan (MYP) and research plans, an objective of the goal 1 (Clean Air and Global Climate Change)
From page 93...
... For air toxics, they are "Control stationary sources of air toxics by using market-based and other regulatory programs to reduce emissions using the following target:" "By 2007, federal air toxics regulations will reduce air toxics emissions by 2.2 million tons from their 1993 level of 3.7 million tons making absolute emissions reductions in air toxics compared to 2000 levels." "Control mobile sources through federal regulations that will reduce air toxics emissions by 1.1 million tons from the 1996 level of 2.7 million tons." "Reducing health risks and environmental effects from area source air toxics pollution found in localities including Indian country." "Reduce air toxics risk at the local level by building on federally regulated emissions reductions." "Milestones: 1) 2004 public release of the revised National Air Toxics Assessment based on the 1999 inventory and 2)
From page 94...
... REFERENCES EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

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