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Currently Skimming:

1 Background, Framing, and Concepts
Pages 4-8

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From page 4...
... Do students receive an educational benefit that justifies the dollars they and their families spend, and does society receive an appropriate benefit in return for the public dollars spent on education? The capability to document the quality of teaching and learning is a necessary part of institutional accountability, and the documentation methods used must be understandable, transparent, and cogent.
From page 5...
... Additionally, a formal evaluation of teaching effectiveness would likely benefit graduate students' exposure to teaching and learning concerns as well as their preparation for future teaching responsibilities. Another reason for evaluating teaching and learning is that the demands on practicing engineers are changing, and the system for engineering education must necessarily change with those demands.
From page 6...
... To meet the needs of today's students, the authoring committee believes that increased focus should be given to disciplinary aspects of engineering practice and to 2 These issues are discussed in detail in two recent reports from the National Academy of Engineering, The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century (2004) and Educating the Engineer of 2020: Adapting Engineering Education to the New Century (2005)
From page 7...
... , Therefore, effective teaching requires that educators adapt, develop, and hone their teaching skills to increase the level of student learning, and institutions must provide the resources to help them to develop, support and improve their teaching performance -- especially if teaching performance is to be evaluated. The US Department of Education, has emphasized the importance of assessing learning outcomes as part of the accreditation process (which mirrors the intent of changes to engineering accreditation efforts in the ABET EC2000 criteria)
From page 8...
... , engineering societies, and other stakeholders can provide valuable support by emphasizing the benefits of evaluating teaching and learning. Leaders of NAE and other societies should put forward statements indicating the need for quality teaching that can transform students from vessels of knowledge into sophisticated seekers and users of knowledge.

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