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Pages 3-8

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 3...
... These developments, coupled with the fact that agencies can now provide more types of customer information, caused agencies to look outside their organizations for third parties to assist them in providing information on mobile devices. This synthesis examines and documents the state of the practice in the use and deployment of real-time transit information on mobile devices using the following five dimensions: • The underlying technology required to generate the information that will be disseminated on mobile devices, including the underlying software, hardware, and communications;
From page 4...
... ; the use of standards; and the reliability and accuracy of the information; • The resources required to successfully deploy information on mobile devices, including capital and operations and maintenance costs, agency staff requirements, customer costs, and other resources (e.g., managing an external application development program) ; and • The contribution of mobile messaging to an overall agency communications strategy, including "information equity." Here, information equity is defined as providing realtime information by means of at least two dissemination media in both audio and visual formats.
From page 5...
... Survey respondents reported a wide variation in the types of real-time information and the frequency with which it is updated. The most prevalent type of information that is updated on an ongoing basis is next vehicle arrival/departure prediction time, followed by information on planned detours, display/announcement of the current route and destination, identification of service disruptions, and schedule information during special events.
From page 6...
... and an FTA project on real-time information (Guidance for Developing and Deploying Real-Time Traveler Information Systems for Transit) , a limited number of respondents monitor the reliability and accuracy of the information provided on mobile devices.
From page 7...
... Chapter five contains information on how many survey respondents have a communications strategy and how many consider mobile information as part of their strategies. Further, respondents reported that they consider information equity when choosing dissemination media, and that providing real-time information on mobile devices is a way to attract "choice" riders.
From page 8...
... • Providing real-time transit information on mobile devices is beginning to be more prevalent than the use of other more traditional dissemination media, such as dynamic message signs and interactive voice response. • Although using third parties to develop innovative real-time mobile applications definitely saves resources, agencies might consider that not all existing and potential customers will have mobile devices, and that not all applications will satisfy the needs of all customers.

This material may be derived from roughly machine-read images, and so is provided only to facilitate research.
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