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Currently Skimming:

Pages 73-77

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From page 73...
... Effective partnerships promise to yield both gains in the productivity of collaborating scientists and gains in scientific achievement in areas where the technology makes possible the exploration of new kinds of questions and the use of new methodologies for scientific research. At a time when the cost of scientific research is expanding while research support is tightening, such gains take on a special anneal.
From page 74...
... The committee notes that the NSF supercomputer centers, the NSF science and technology centers, and the NIH and DOE Human Genome Project require similar levels of support to accomplish comparably ambitious objectives. A program involving three testbeds implies a total funding level of $90 million to $100 million.
From page 75...
... .: .:: i:': :: - :; To see what might:be necessary for a complete coila.borat:ory::testbed,. it::i~s:instru.ctive:to:: ::: examine centers or production systems.: For example, the Genome Data Base, the central.archive ~ :.: for the geneti'c:data from: the Human Geno:me Project, is a production project that provides reliable:::: jig retrieval -:an'd:: periodic updates to a broad: user: community with significant: :user: support,-' :i:.e., : '.: continuously 'ru:nning,:::da~ly: updates of' information ' :~several:' thousand: users :: Communications infrastructure projects, such :as ::A:rpanet and: ~nternet,:::which:~are :the::direct: - :: predecessors of-collaboratories, began as research:projects:at a:few.s.ites,::grew~.:into::res:earch.: : prototypes atvertically :integrated, quasi-academic organizations, and then became :institut:io.nal'ized as production:~developments et: commercial corporations on in the ease:: of Arpanet:,.in the U.:S.
From page 76...
... There are a variety of options for industrial participation, for example, since industry not only has begun to develop commercial collaboration technology, but also employs people engaged in collaborative research (sometimes in collaboration with academic researchers)
From page 77...
... It is envisioned that principal investigators, research staff, and graduate students working on the testbeds would attend these meetings to share experiences and the results of their work. In conclusion, the committee believes that the program outlined by these recommendations is the appropriate level of effort that should be undertaken.

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