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1 Introduction
Pages 7-11

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From page 7...
... THE BIENNIAL ASSESSMENT PROCESS The ARLTAB is guided by the following statement of task: An ad hoc committee to be named the Army Research Laboratory Technical Assessment Board (ARLTAB) , to be overseen by the Laboratory Assessments Board, will be appointed to continue the function of providing biennial assessments of the scientific and technical quality of the Army Research Laboratory (ARL)
From page 8...
... Most of the information exchange occurs during the annual meetings convened by the respective panels at the appropriate ARL sites. Both in formal interactions during technical presentations and in less formal interactions during poster sessions and during joint lunch or dinner sessions, ARL evinces a very healthy level of information exchange and acceptance of external comments.
From page 9...
... Briefings included poster sessions that allowed direct interaction among the panelists and staff of projects that were not covered in the briefings.1 Ample time during both the overview and the technical briefings was devoted to discussion, which enabled panel members to pose questions and ARL staff to provide additional technical and contextual information to clarify panel members' understanding. The panels also devoted sufficient time to closedsession deliberations, during which they developed findings and identified important questions or gaps in panel understanding.
From page 10...
... The ARLTAB's goal was to identify and report salient examples of accomplishments and opportunities for further improvement with respect to the technical merit of ARL work and specific elements of ARL's resource infrastructure that are intended to support the technical work. Collectively, these highlighted examples for each ARL research core competency are intended to portray an overall impression of the laboratory while preserving useful mention of suggestions specific to projects and programs that the ARLTAB considered to be of special note within the set of those examined.
From page 11...
... Chapter 5 presents findings common across multiple research core competencies. The appendixes provide ARL's research core competencies and their mapping to the technical areas reviewed in 2019, biographical information on the ARLTAB members, the assessment criteria used by ARLTAB and its panels, and a list of acronyms found in this report.

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