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4 Priority Concerns and Recommendations
Pages 31-34

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From page 31...
... The panel also commends SASS for responding to both program management recommendations made in the panel's interim review report (i.e., drawing up a detailed strategic plan for the program and putting strong program leadership in place)
From page 32...
... Aircraft particulate emissions must be assessed in the context of the ambient particle field, however, and it is not clear how SASS expects to accomplish this. The panel recommends that SASS assemble baseline data on the ambient particle fields in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, so that the relative effects of aircraft-emitted particles can be properly gauged.
From page 33...
... GENERAL MANAGEMENTISSUES Planning of Field Campaigns SASS-sponsored field campaigns like SONEX and SUCCESS have proven extremely valuable in addressing questions related to aircraft emissions, ambient aerosol concentration, and the properties of contrails and cirrus clouds. Given the infrequency with which such complex and costly studies can be undertaken, it is important that they be carefully planned to provide answers to the most pressing uncertainties related to the impacts of aviation.
From page 34...
... In particular, some of the research sponsored by NASA's Office of Earth Science may be quite useful in reducing uncertainties, as would some of the climatology database work being coordinated by IGAC. Likewise, SASS should be preparing to use the existing and anticipated data from satellite platforms, identifying the specific data products that will be relevant to evaluating the impacts of aircraft emissions.

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