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Pages 3-8

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 3...
... Work on the four components of the HPCC program must exploit the full range of existing ideas and techniques from the mathematical sciences, and also develop new mathematical ideas and methods in the immediate future. In addition to their work on algorithms and numerical analysis, mathematical scientists contribute to the fundamental modeling of phenomena, which is the first step in posing computable questions, to the analysis of those models and their necessary approximations, 2The mathematical sciences include core and applied mathematics, probability, statistics, operations research, and some areas of theoretical computer science.
From page 4...
... For example, process, device, and circuit simulators are now routinely used in the early stages of development to evaluate alternative designs, instead of relying on actual wafer fabrication, resulting in enormous savings of time and money. Mathematical scientists, working as part of multidisciplinary teams, have had a substantial impact on the current array of simulation tools.
From page 5...
... This multigrid package is now being redesigned for scalable hypercube computers and will allow applications programmers ready access to high-powered algorithms. Future research into multigrid algorithms for systems of linear and mildly nonlinear equations holds the promise of similar improvements in computational fluid dynamics simulations in many other contexts.
From page 6...
... Voice interaction with machines is now being commercially deployed in preliminary forms, such as voice repertory dialers for mobile cellular telephones, automated voice information services (in the financial and telecommunications sectors) , and in consumer products such as voice-controlled toys and home systems.
From page 7...
... The networks and communication protocols must be capable of simultaneously handling traffic types with many different characteristics, including bulk file transfer, bursty interactions from voice or image transmissions, and messages with timing requirements, used to control remote experimentation. The mathematical sciences have played an important role in the development of theories that led to today's communication technology.
From page 8...
... called for additional federal funding specifically to prepare enough new mathematical scientists to support the then-emerging field of supercomputing, and a more recent report [National Research Council, 1990] focused substantial attention on human resources issues in the mathematical sciences.

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