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Pages 1-3

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 1...
... In 1992, to address growing public concern, Congress directed He Army to evaluate alternative disposal approaches Hat might be "signif~cantly safer" and more cost effective than the baseline system and that could be used to complete disposal operations in time to meet a treaty requirement for the year 2004. In response to a congressional directive to He Secretary of the Agony, and a request to die NRC from the Army, the Stockpile Committee evaluated potential alternative technolog~es.
From page 2...
... Will use of the draft assessment criteria generate the data that the committee believes are necessary for malting a decision on whether to proceed with pilot-scale demonstration for one of the alternative technologies? Does the draft assessment criteria document raise other issues with respect to the decision process regarding an alternative technology?
From page 3...
... In summary, the committee believes that the Army has developed a reasonably comprehensive set of technical criteria for assessing neutralization-based alternative technologies and for facilitating a decision about whether that alternative should be demonstrated in a pilot-scale facility. However, the usefulness of the assessment criteria in addressing issues raised by the public can be improved by describing how the criteria will be used and how the alternative technologies will be compared to the baseline system (i.e., incineration)

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